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Speak up, speak up, you hear? Are we to fly at once to the mill and join him? Has he succeeded? Is it done?" "Yes, yes, yes!" shouted back Serpice, throwing up his cap and capering. "It is done! It is done! Under the very nose of the Cracksman, too! Merode's got them both! The little lordship and the Mademoiselle Lorne, too!

"You would not think of calling a great violinist like Paganini a 'fiddler," he wrote; "why, then, should you degrade me with the coarse term of 'cracksman'? I claim to be as much an artist in my profession as Paganini was in his, and I claim also a like courtesy from you.

"They were not rough and the fingers were slender and delicate." "That's the mark of a cracksman," said Arthur Weldon, with a laugh. "If there are any safes out here that are worth cracking, I'd say look out for the gentleman." "His face isn't bad at all," remarked Patsy, reflectively. "Isn't there any grade between a workman and a thief?" "Of course," asserted Mr. Merrick, in his brisk way.

This one will fly off, too. You'll see! "He is too keen on Number One for that, I fancy. He calculates like a mathematician. As cool as a cracksman of fame and fancy." The Duchess dropped the fan in her lap. "My dear, I've said nothing as bad as that about him. And there he is at the Foreign Office!" "Yet, what has he done, Betty, after all?

That puzzled them for a night or two, but they soon learned the combination and filled themselves so full of cabbage that cost me two dollars a head to raise, that they couldn't get out by way of the gate, and I had to knock down a panel of fence to get rid of them. That evening I brought home a double-barreled shot gun, a log-chain and a padlock that would have baffled a cracksman.

Mother of disasters! It is not the cracksman it is the real Clodoche we have killed!" For one moment a sort of panic held them, swayed them, befogged the brains of them; then, of a sudden, Merode howled out, "Get back! Get back! The fellow's in there still!" and led a blind race down the passage to the bar, where they had seen Cleek last.

I know I know, I tell you because I feared for his safety, and when he went to his room I locked him in!" "Superintendent!" The word was voiced by every man present, and six pairs of eyes turned toward Narkom with a look of despairing comprehension. "Get to the cellar. Head the man off! It's he the Cracksman!" he shouted out. "Find him! Get him! Nab him, if you have to turn the house upside down!"

"Will I? Won't I!" said Narkom, springing forward and gripping his hand. "Jove! what a detective you will make. Bully boy! Bully boy!" "It's a compact, then?" "It's a compact Cleek." "Thank you," he said in a choked voice. "You've given me my chance; now watch me live up to it. The Vanishing Cracksman has vanished forever, Mr.

You remember that, do you not, Mr. Narkom?" "Yes, I remember. But, my dear fellow, why speak of your 'Vanishing Cracksman' days when you have so utterly put them behind you, and for five whole years have lived a life beyond reproach? Whatever you did in those times you have amply atoned for. And what can that have to do with your impoverished state?" "It has everything to do with it.

Bad as Grabman's character might be, he held a respectable position compared with the other lodgers in the house. Bill the cracksman, naturally and by vocation, suggested the hand that had despoiled him: how hope for redress or extort surrender from such a quarter?