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This "science" reminds me of that antiquated lore which dealt with the constellations, when the laws of planetary motion were not yet known, and the so-called science confined itself to descriptions of the "Great Bear," the "Crab," the "Goat," etc.

Near them was the upturned kettle, and scattered all about them on the sand were lovely pieces of scarlet lobster and crab shells. "It's funny," one little gnome said drowsily, "how one sometimes will become dissatisfied with the way he was made by Mother Nature and try to improve upon her work! It usually leads to misfortune."

You and Barbara would have been scared to death and you would have put me off." Franklin came from the house. Luncheon was on the table. We hurried to the dining-room. Jaffery sat down before a gigantic crab. "Is it all right?" he asked. "Doria has interceded for you," said Barbara. "You owe her your life." Doria smiled. "It's the least I could do for you."

"She says she'd never go near a crab again, not if it's ever so." "You are sure?" said the Prophet, eagerly. "You are positive she said that?" "I'd stake my Davy, and I wouldn't do that on everything. There ain't a man living as'll ever get her to go within fifty miles of a crab this side of Judgment."

As an artistic finish to a marvellous piece of mummery, in one of the crude green claws is carried a fragment of coral, green with the mould of the sea. It and the claw are indistinguishable until, in the faintest spasm of fright, the crab abandons the coral, and shrinking within itself becomes inanimate as steadfast a patch of weeds as any other of the reef.

So the mortar climbed up to the beam over the front door, and the egg lay quite still on the ground, while the wasp set down the water-bucket in a corner. Then the crab dug itself a deep hole in the ground, so that not even the tip of her claws might be seen.

Melt a pound of Butter; then add some Anchovy Liquor; Oyster Liquor; some White Wine; some Katchep boil'd together with whole Pepper and Mace strain'd; put to this the Body of a Crab, and serve it with a little Lemon-Juice.

All those which are brought on shore and sold in our markets are of an inferior dwarf kind, or, properly, waterfalls, i.e., fruit shook off the branches of the tree it grows upon by the motion of the water, as those in our gardens are by that of the wind! The lobster-trees appeared the richest, but the crab and oysters were the tallest.

The two next tables are covered with Chinese crabs, square-bodied crabs; those crabs with fine shells known as porcelain crabs, and the curious death's head crab, which seems to build a kind of nest of sponge or shells. But upon the next table the visitor will find the most remarkable of the crabs, together with an astonishing lobster. This crab is known as the hermit crab.

I say All catching crabs together!" cried Prose. "Caught something worse than a crab, sir," replied the coxswain "Wilson, are you much hurt?" "The rascals have let daylight in, I'm afraid," answered the man, faintly. "Well, I do declare I'd no idea the poor fellows were wounded. Coxswain, take one of the oars, and I'll steer the boat, or we shall never get alongside.