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Then, from a point midway up the steep trail, he just happened to look back, and just happened through an extraordinary combination of openings to catch a glimpse of a rider on the trail. The man was far below. Bob watched a long time, his eye fixed on another opening. Nothing appeared. From somewhere in the cañon a coyote shrilled. Another answered him from up the mountain.

But Victor had that in his mind which made him bold. "Ye've held me prisoner, Jean. Ye've played the skunk. Guess you ain't goin' now. Neither is my share o' the contents o' that chest. Savvee? If ye think o' moving that wad we're goin' to scrap. I ain't no coyote." Jean thought for awhile. His lean face displayed no emotion.

That chestnut of John's ran away from her as if she was hobbled and side-lined, while this coyote of mine threw dust in her face every jump in the road from the word 'go. If the old man isn't bluffing and will hack his mare, we'll get back our freeze-out money with good interest.

Suddenly Reddy became aware of some one just outside the wire fence, looking in and grinning wickedly. It was Old Man Coyote. Between them was nothing but that wire, but, oh, what a difference! Reddy was inside and a prisoner. Old Man Coyote was outside and free. "Good evening, Reddy," said Old Man Coyote. "I hope you'll enjoy your chicken dinner.

"Hold on!" said the expert, as Harry turned away with a sneer. "That's a sign, too. Wolf don't go where wolf hez been, and coyote don't foller Injins there's no pickin's! How long afore did you see the coyote?" "Just after we left the wagon," said Clarence. "That's it," said the man, thoughtfully. "He was driven on ahead, or hanging on their flanks.

Oh, yes; I forgot that you never participated in that delicious form of insanity known as a fall term in college. Rushing is a cross between proposing to a girl and abducting a coyote.

I want to get out quick." "Wal, you might be too damn considerate of Miss Hammond's sensitive feelin's." There was now no trace of the courteous, kindly old rancher. He looked harder than stone. "How about my feelin's? I want to know if you're goin' to let this sneakin' coyote, this last gasp of the old rum-guzzlin' frontier sheriffs, put you in irons an' hawg-tie you an' drive you off to jail?"

It is the way of the coyote to live near man, confident that his own cunning will offset that of his arch enemy and lead him unscathed through all the contrivances men may employ for his destruction.

The wolf whose howl had occasioned this assertion was even then considering the possibilities of which Collins spoke. Men called those of his kind breed-wolves, half coyote and half wolf. He stood on the high divide which was the roughly separating line between the haunts of the two tribes whose blood flowed in his veins, all wolf except for the yellow fur that marked him for a breed.

They could see the menace in Rathburn's manner, and they could see that Carlisle was fighting mad. "Ain't you a little free with your language, Carlisle?" drawled Rathburn. "You know who he is?" Carlisle cried to Mannix. "He's The Coyote an outlaw an' a killer with a price a mile long on his head "