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The next moment she was making the tour of about a dozen uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousines, none of whom, it appeared to me, felt any peculiar desire to surrender the hearty embrace to the next of kin in succession.

On racontait dans une conversation que Monsieur de Buffon avoit disseque une de ses cousines, et une femme se recrioit sur l'inhumanite de l'anatomiste. M. de Mairan lui dit, "Mais, madame, elle etoit morte."

For days the pair known to the crowd as "Les cousines Anglaises," played side by side, while Lord Hardy maintained his incognito perfectly, though some of the spectators commented on the size of his hands and wondered why he always kept them gloved. And Ted enjoyed it immensely, and thought it the jolliest lark he ever had, and did not care a sous how much he lost if Daisy only won.

And he did the farmhouse, a few hours afterwards, giving the snowed-up passengers a hospitality which none of them ever forgot. There was the jolliest Christmas at "Raven Crag" that had ever been known. Mrs. Acton had whipped up a cohort of cousins et cousines as they say in the French books and even Grim found a partner, who didn't dance half bad for a girl. Did I say a jolly Christmas?

The next moment she was making the tour of about a dozen uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousines, none of whom, it appeared to me, felt any peculiar desire to surrender the hearty embrace to the next of kin in succession.