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But as she had felt the whimsical charm of De Courtenay, so now she felt the eagerness, the taut anxiety of this man, and she noticed that there was no smile on his face as she hesitated. Moreover, Marie was watching, sharp as a little hawk. "Why, M'sieu," she said, and there was a baffling note to the voice this time, "why, you wish me to have this?" "Yes, Ma'amselle," said McElroy simply.

"We'll just have a look at the Frying Pan," said Courtenay, "and then you'll have seen about the lot. We hold a bit of the trench running out beyond the Pan and the Germs are holding the same trench a little further along. We've both got the trench plugged up with sandbag barricades."

The mere presence of the dog was a guarantee that Courtenay had not quitted the ship. Indeed, Elsie colored again, and more deeply, at the disloyalty of her ungoverned fear. Joey's master would be the last man to desert a woman, no matter what the excuse.

Not a word was said by either of us until the unknown one had emerged from the companion and removed himself well out of ear-shot. Then, as Courtenay pushed the cigar-box across the table to me, after selecting a weed for himself, he looked me in the face and, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, remarked: "Well, Lascelles, what is your interpretation of this riddle?

Though the Kansas was not a fast ship, she could have made the entrance to the Straits on the evening of the fourth day were not Captain Courtenay wishful to navigate the most dangerous part of the narrows by daylight. His intent, therefore, was to pick up the Evangelistas light about midnight, and then crack ahead at fourteen knots, so as to be off Felix Point on Desolation Island by dawn.

Who I don't know only not Caroline Courtenay. Father does not like our names at least mine and Sophy's. Mamma named us, and he says we have both fine romantic silly names. Hatty was called after his mother, and that he likes; and Fanny is after a sister of Mamma's who died young. But Father never gives over growling because one of us was not a boy.

Baldwin Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople, was constantly threatened with expulsion by the Greeks; Frederick, Emperor of Germany, was at war with the Pope; the King of Castille was fighting with the Moors; the King of Poland was fully occupied with the Tartars; the King of Denmark had to defend his throne against his own brother; the King of Sweden had to defend his throne against the Tolekungers.

But the factor of Fort de Seviere had risen in his place, his face gone blank with consternation. "From Montreal!" he cried, "but did you not answer to me as friends and of the Company?" "Aye," answered De Courtenay, also rising, the gaiety fading from his face and his eyes beginning to sparkle bodefully, "of the North-west Company, trading from Montreal into the fur country.

"There's another bunch o' humor arriving," said Rawbon. "But I don't feel yet like encoring the turn any;" They moved on to a steady accompaniment of shell bursts and Courtenay looked round uneasily. "I don't half like this," he said. "They don't usually shell us so at this time of day. Hope there's no attack coming." "I agree with all you say, Loo-tenant, and then some.

When Courtenay and his party went on board of the frigate, the first-lieutenant, master, and surgeon, indignant at language which had been used to them by the captain, refused to dine in the cabin, when they were invited by the steward, who reported to Captain Bradshaw that the officers would not accept his invitation. "Won't they, by God? I'll see to that. Send my clerk here."