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This counter-jumping conception of the Muses prevails with the customers to-day, with the editors who buy fiction at so much a thousand words. Carlyle Heaven preserve me from finishing a book as he did his "French Revolution," to lose it and write it all over again! had the truer idea when he suggested that authors should be paid by what they do not write.

"So you had better take a round turn with yours, Ringbolt, and let me alone, or I'll fetch you such a swat over your figure-head, you'll think a Long Wharf truck-horse kicked you with all four shoes on one hoof! You Emperor you counter-jumping son of a gun cock your weather eye up aloft here, and see your betters! I say, top-mates, he ain't any Emperor at all I'm the rightful Emperor.

Fortnoye, I should surmise, was not too desirous to abandon this magnificent companion at Schwetzingen; but the serpent, he knew, was left behind, in company with two or three of his and my friends: it was necessary to take the youth by the ear, as it were, and dismiss him from the country, without loss of time, to his future of counter-jumping.

"'Make out the names of all the prisoners I have, he was saying, 'with where they belong unt the charges against them. I can't. Do they take me for a counter-jumping clerk? I didn't come into the army to be a white-faced bookkeeper, I sprained my thumb the other day, unt I can't write even a Httle bit. What am I to do? "That was all moonshine about his spraining his thumb.

And on top of it all and this was the straw that broke the back of my sentimental camel he allows them to maintain a park on the cliffs above him, where the merest white-skinned, counter-jumping pigmy may come of a Sunday for his glass of pop and a careless squint at the toiling Titan. Puny Philistines eating peanuts and watching Samson at his Gaza stunt! I like it not.

Alas for the tranquillity of parents with pleasure-loving sons! alas for Mr. Valentine Blyth's idea of teaching his pupil to be steady, by teaching him to draw! this furious young gentleman was no other than Mr. Zachary Thorpe, Junior, of Baregrove Square. "Damn you all, you cowardly counter-jumping scoundrels!" roared Zack, his eyes aflame with valor, generosity, and gin-and-water.