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He really did not like it: giving up Dorothea was very painful to him; but there was something in the resolve to make this visit forthwith and conquer all show of feeling, which was a sort of file-biting and counter-irritant.

"It was the night I proposed to Nell," I said, half to myself. "Sir Horace Jerveyson was at the ball, too." "Talking to Lady Blantock." "And looking at Miss Blantock. I noticed, and I put things together." "Who would ever have thought of putting those two together?" "I did. I said to myself and afterwards to Jack may I tell you what I said?" "Please do. If it hurts, it will be a counter-irritant."

Such sympathy as that is poor stuff; I call it weak sentimentality." The reprimand was purposely sharp, and, by arousing the anger and indignation of the nurse, it served as a counter-irritant which restored her appetite. After her anger had subsided, she thanked the superintendent with all her heart, and from that day she began to learn the difference between true and false sympathy.

She found that the strenuous effort of the brain acted as a counter-irritant to the fretting of her troubles, and though it may seem an odd thing to say, mathematics alone, owing to the intense application they required, exercised a soothing effect upon her.

'For the last four months, Squire, I have been doing two things with neither of which had you much sympathy in old days holiday-making and "slumming." 'Oh, I remember, interrupted the squire hastily. 'I was low last week, and read the Church papers by way of a counter-irritant. You have been starting a new religion, I see. A new religion! Humph!

One can be played against the other as a counter-irritant; but this only as a process of rousing, for the irritation of either brings equal misery. I am not even sure that as a rousing process it is ever really useful. To be clear of a mistaken brain-impression, a man must recognize it himself; and this recognition can never be brought about by an unasked attempt of help from another.

Hour by hour, day by day, against almost continual head winds and with the lowest water in years, that discouraging prophecy invaded me and was repulsed. And that is why we have pessimists in the world. A pessimist is merely a counter-irritant. I stood on the bank for some time after the Atom I slid into the water, admiring her truly beautiful lines.

"Oh, I've not forgotten all that!" said Carrie, working herself up into a defiant rage because she wanted to feel a counter-irritant to a secret uneasiness which lurked at the bottom of her mind. "But spare food and old clothes ought not to buy a girl, body and soul. Anyway, I price myself higher than that.

For whereas we had hitherto been the most commonplace and prosaic party imaginable, getting along smoothly, taking no particular interest in each other, or in anything else, and only remarkable for a degree of dulness which would have astonished us by its bulk could it have been weighed and measured to-night, for no apparent reason, we suddenly woke up and astounded ourselves by more originality than we had been accustomed to believe was left in the world altogether while something put into our conversation just the right amount of polite friction to act as a counter-irritant, so that, when we left the table, each felt that he had been at his best had been brilliant, in fact, and shone with lustre enough to make any man happy.

She could have laughed hysterically, as the escaping women had laughed, when she realized that the fear of such a catastrophe was overcoming graver horrors. Perhaps it was well to have a counter-irritant. Though Annesley Grayle was the only manless woman in the foyer, the people who sat there with one exception did not stare.