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It was often his turn to bring them their poor allowance of provision; and having some pity for their condition, as well as gratitude for a people who had used him and his companions in a different manner, told them, that they might be of good heart, for, said he, you will soon be set at liberty: our emperor has enough to do to keep his ground in Ukraina: Charles is as victorious as ever: the prince of the Cosaques, one of the bravest men on earth, next to himself, has entered into an alliance with him: king Stanislaus is sending him succours from Poland: a powerful reinforcement is coming to him from Lithuania; and when these armies are joined, as I believe they already are, nothing can withstand them: you will hear the Swedish march beat from this prison walls, and perhaps see your present conquerors change places with you; and, to confirm the truth of what I say, continued he, I can further assure you that the czar, before I left the camp, was in the utmost confusion: his council, as well as army, were at a stand, and he had twice made overtures of peace, and been refused.