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His next productions were "Il Corsaro," brought out at Trieste in 1848; "La Battaglia di Legnano" at Rome in 1849; "Luisa Miller" at Naples in the same year; and "Stiffelio" at Trieste in 1850. By this series of works Verdi impressed himself powerfully on his age, but in them he preserved faithfully the color and style of the school in which he had been trained.

Since 1884 this artist has taught drawing in the Municipal School for Girls in Naples, and has executed many portraits in oil, as well as numerous pastels and water-colors. Among her later works are "La Figlia del Corsaro," "Chiome nere," "Una Carezza al Nonno," and "Di Soppiatto." <b>FRACKLETON, SUSAN STUART.</b> Medal at Antwerp Exposition, 1894; at Paris Exposition, 1900.

Passing quickly by 'Il Corsaro' , 'La Battaglia di Legnano' , 'Luisa Miller' and 'Stiffelio' , all of which have dropped completely out of the current repertory, we come to the brilliant period in which Verdi produced in succession three works which, through all changes of taste and fashion, have manfully held their place in popular favour 'Rigoletto, 'Il Trovatore, and 'La Traviata. 'Rigoletto' is founded upon Victor Hugo's drama, 'Le Roi s'amuse. The locale of the story is changed, and the King of France becomes a Duke of Mantua, but otherwise the original scheme of the work remains unaltered.