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Twice Winston, observing closely from his post of vantage slightly to the rear the swift action of those slender white fingers, could have sworn the dealer faced the wrong card, yet the dangerous trick was accomplished so quickly, so coolly, with never a lowering of the eyes, the twitching of a muscle, that a moment later the half-jealous watcher doubted the evidence of his own keen eyesight.

I coolly explained that we simply meant to try and exist another day or two if buckwheat flour and coffee and sugar would keep us alive. He said I couldn't live on his flour and coffee. I politely informed him that I had no use for his, as I had plenty of my own just then. "Well, why in thunder did you come and 'stand me off' in this way if you had plenty of your own?"

'Sir! said the doctor, in an awful voice, producing a card, and retiring into an angle of the passage, 'my name is Slammer, Doctor Slammer, sir 97th Regiment Chatham Barracks my card, Sir, my card. He would have added more, but his indignation choked him. 'Ah! replied the stranger coolly, 'Slammer much obliged polite attention not ill now, Slammer but when I am knock you up.

You see I was getting better, for I called it comedy now, not tragedy. But chiefly I thought of my mission. All that wild day in the snow it had seemed the merest farce. The three words Harry Bullivant had scribbled had danced through my head in a crazy fandango. They were present to me now, but coolly and sanely in all their meagreness.

He was a tall man, clad in a dark overcoat bordered with fur; he looked like a wealthy Englishman or American travelling for pleasure. His features were fine and commanding; his eyes gleamed with a gentle disdain as he coolly met my resentful gaze. When he spoke his voice was rich and mellifluous, though his accents had a touch in them of grave scorn. "'So you are tired of your life, young man!

It was curious to hear the man lying back and coolly arguing out the question of his own sanity. "Perhaps not," I said; "but still I think you would be wise to get home as soon as you can, and settle down to a quiet life for a while." "Get home, eh?" he muttered, with a sneer upon his face. "One word for me and two for yourself, lad. Settle down with Flora pretty little Flora.

"You have stood them for twenty years; rather late in the day to object now, isn't it?" she remarked, coolly, beginning her egg. "It is never too late to mend; it is not too late for you to stop quietly at home and do your duty by your husband." "Most men would think that I had done my duty by him pretty well. Twenty years ago you were nobody, and had, comparatively speaking, nothing.

Father had a lot of books about those things and I read them to him when he was ill. I was looking one up again the other day that day you threw the teapot in the sea." And she told him about the "preliminary canter." "Well, that's absolutely right," he said coolly. "Women are like that. They're specialized for sex. Don't you admit that you've no brains?

Katharine straightened and looked at him coolly. One of the girls gave a little gasp at his impertinence. "It isn't customary, I believe," said Katharine, "to ask to go driving with a girl you have met once, at a supper." "Isn't it?" faltered Pellams. There was not a vestige of his usual bravado about him.

"Yes," replied Bob coolly. "Yes, sir," said the lieutenant sharply, "recollect that you are addressing an officer." "Doctors don't say sir to everybody they meet," retorted Bob quickly. "Doctors?" "Well, my father's a doctor, and I'm going to be one, so it's all the same. I can make pills."