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There is a contradiction, therefore, between humanity and its ideal, an opposition between man and God, an opposition which Christian theology has allegorized and personified under the name of Devil or Satan, that is, contradictor, enemy of God and man.

"My dear contradictor, you have just put your finger upon the true and only difficulty; nevertheless, I have too good an opinion of the industrial genius of the Americans not to believe that they will succeed in overcoming it." "But the heat developed by the rapidity of the projectile in crossing the strata of air?" "Oh! the walls are thick, and I shall soon have crossed the atmosphere."

Double negation is the only form of affirmation that fully plays into the hands of the dogmatic ideal. Simply and innocently affirmative statements are good enough for empiricists, but unfit for rationalist use, lying open as they do to every accidental contradictor, and exposed to every puff of doubt.

To mention only the planets, we should be either broiled alive in some, or frozen to death in others, according as they are more or less removed from the sun." "I regret," replied Michel Ardan, "that I have not the honor of personally knowing my contradictor, for I would have attempted to answer him.

"Yes, yes," said Murphy, who, fond of absurdity as he was, could not stand the fox and the grapes by way of something new. "They're sour, said the fox." "Yes," said Murphy, "a capital story." "Oh, them fables is so good!" said Wiggins. "All nonsense!" said the diminutive contradictor. "Nonsense, nothing but nonsense; the ridiculous stuff of birds and beasts speaking!

"Then," continued Ardan, with a careless air, "since we are in accord regarding the presence of a certain atmosphere, we are forced to admit the presence of a certain quantity of water. This is a happy consequence for me. Moreover, my amiable contradictor, permit me to submit to you one further observation.

Tough had again invested the proceedings. But it went, he said, just like a decreet in absence, and was lost for want of a contradictor. In the meanwhile, nearly a week passed over without Mr. Fairford hearing a word directly from his son. He learned, indeed, by a letter from Mr.

You are fighting the impossible!" Strange as it was that at this affirmation the members of the Weldon Institute did not move. Had they become as deaf as they were patient? Or were they reserving themselves to see how far this audacious contradictor would dare to go? Robur continued: "What? A balloon! When to obtain the raising of a couple of pounds you require a cubic yard of gas.

Oh, unreasonable despair! Despair makes man God's judge; it is a controller of the promise, a contradictor of Christ in his large offers of mercy; and one that undertakes to make unbelief the great manager of our reason and judgment, in determining about what God can and will do for sinners.

What he had really drawn upon himself was a hand-to-hand wrestle with a man who had no sooner provoked contradiction than he resented it with all his force, and with a determination to crush the contradictor. Warkworth fought well, but with a growing amazement at the tone and manner of his opponent. The old man's eyes darted war-flames under his finely arched brows.