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While these arrangements were under discussion, in the autumn following the stormy events above described, in spite of the threats thrown out by the extreme party, Lord Elgin, after a progress in Upper Canada in which he was accompanied by his family, made a short tour in the Western districts, the stronghold of British feeling, attended only by one aide-de-camp and a servant, 'so as to contradict the allegation that he required protection. Everywhere he was received with the utmost cordiality; the few indications of a different feeling, on the part of Orangemen and others, having only the effect of heightening the enthusiasm with which he was greeted by the majority of the population.

No doubt, these two impulses exist and act in it, but itself is neither matter nor form, nor the sensuous nor reason, and this is a point that does not seem always to have occurred to those who only look upon the mind as itself acting when its acts are in harmony with reason, and who declare it passive when its acts contradict reason.

The mother, who knew by the sentiments which he had expressed to her before on this subject, that he was now playing a game with the family, did not consider it prudent to contradict him; she consequently replied, "I don't know, Harry; I cannot get their trick about the property out of my heart; but, perhaps, if I saw it once more where it ought to be, I might change.

I now repeat that I have not done so; but I cannot account for her prejudices against you any more than I shall attempt to contradict or combat them, so far from that I now tell you, that if she were unfortunately disposed to many you, I would endeavor to prevent her." "And pray why so, Harry, if it is a fair question?"

He paused a moment and added, 'I don't know who can have told you, but if you hear it again, I'll trouble you to contradict it. As he was waiting in Melmotte's outer room while the duke's nephew went in to see whether it was the great man's pleasure to see him, he remembered whence Carbury must have heard tidings of Mrs Hurtle. Of course the rumour had come through Ruby Ruggles.

I once got from one of his friends a list, which there was pretty good reason to suppose was accurate, for it was written down in his presence by this friend, who enumerated each article aloud, and had some of them mentioned to him by Mr. Levett, in concert with whom it was made out; and Johnson, who heard all this, did not contradict it.

But she asked me to tell you she wasn't coming back yet" the two old ladies exchanged glances which Braybrooke longed to contradict "as she is going to call on Lady Sellingworth presently." "Ah!" said Mrs. Clem Hodson, gazing steadily at Fanny Cronin. "In Berkeley Square!" added Braybrooke emphatically. "And to-night she is dining out."

The much that I have said in the following pages about Whitman's radical differences from other poets his changed attitude towards the universe, his unwonted methods and aims, etc., might seem to place him upon a ground so unique and individual as to contradict my claims for his breadth and universality.

It is, however, remarkable that the series of Parthian coins presents an appearance of accordance rather with the latter than the former, since it affords no trace of the supposed first reign of Gotarzes in A.D. 42, while it shows Vardanes to have held the throne from Sept. A.D. 43 to at least A.D. 46. Still this does not absolutely contradict Tacitus.

These words of assurance began to move me from my purpose. They were said so sweetly, I began to believe in them. But the director suddenly interrupted: "On the contrary! I am forced to contradict the honored professor, and to deny what he has brought forward for the defence of these criminal young men.