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"Why, is he dead, too?" "Be Gorra, no but the conthrairy to that. 'Twas his weddin' you seen passin' a minute agone." "Is it the young sogarth's? Musha, bad end to you, man alive, an' spake out. Tell us how that happened. Sowl it's a quare business, an' him was in Maynewth!" "Faith, he was so; an' they say there wasn't a man in Maynewth able to tache him.

It's conthrairy to law," said the urchin; "an' if you'd touch them, I'd make my mudher sarve you wid a lattitat or fiery-flashes."

Love, of Kildare, a landed proprietor, now in Dublin, says that on Sunday last Dr. Gowing, parish priest of Kill, denounced Home Rule from the altar, and advised the people to have none of it. The Dubliners are beginning to publicly ridicule their Nationalist members. A bog-oak carving represents a typical Irishman driving a "conthrairy pig," which is supposed to stand for Tim Harrington.

"Oh you conthrairy baggage," cried his Reverence: "take her home out o' that," said he to her husband who HAD humbled himself "take her home, and leather her well for she wants it; and if you don't leather her, you'll be sorry for if you don't make her afraid of you, she'll master YOU, too take her home and leather her." "It's an assault on Andy," said the Squire.