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Even under its influence, up to 1715, it is only just to say they did not construe naval skill to mean anxious care to keep one's own ships intact.

The latter's cruel words stabbed her to the heart, and yet she tried to construe them as mere proofs of her son's honesty of feeling as proof of his scorn for the depraved creatures who haunt the boulevards each evening. But though her energy was indomitable, her physical strength was not equal to her will. On returning home, she felt so ill that she was obliged to go to bed.

Nearly all language, on the meaning of which courts adjudicate, would be liable, at the caprice of the court, to be perverted from the furtherance of honest, to the support of dishonest purposes. Judges could construe statutes and contracts in favor of justice or injustice, as their own pleasure might dictate.

And in this school I began to construe the Latin language, which I had never done before, notwithstanding my long and diligent study of Lilly, which illustrious grammar was not used at Edinburgh, nor indeed known. Greek was only taught in the fifth or highest class, in which my brother was; as for myself, I never got beyond the third during the two years that I remained at this seminary.

Is one that expounds upon the planets and teaches to construe the accidents by the due joining of stars in construction. He talks with them by dumb signs, and can tell what they mean by their twinkling and squinting upon one another as well as they themselves. He is a spy upon the stars, and can tell what they are doing by the company they keep and the houses they frequent.

'Now, says Crusoe, 'I began to construe the words that I had read "Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me" in a different sense from what I had done before. For then I had no notion of any deliverance but my deliverance from the captivity I was in. But now I learned to take it in another sense.

His Excellency Joao Severiano Maciel de Costa, Chief Minister of State, &c. &c. One effect of the preceding letter was that the Court of Admiralty requested my consent to give up certain prize property, the object being to construe my acquiescence as regarded a small portion into a precedent for giving up the remainder. This was firmly refused on the ground of its being a fraud on the captors.

"As Cicero says in the play, you construe things after your fashion, clean from the purpose of the things themselves. My interest in you is undiminished; nay rather, it is increased and mixed with admiration. My offers still hold good: join hands with me, and I promise you that you shall soon be a persona grata at the court of Murshidabad, with wealth and honors in your grasp."

So Antores received in his flank the lance hurled at Lausus: infelix alieno volnere." "I dare say, Mr. Diggle," interrupted Desmond, "but I have no time to construe Latin." Covering Diggle with his pistol, Desmond stooped over Fuzl Khan's prostrate body and discovered in a moment that the poor fellow's heart had ceased to beat.

"I may say that I never could construe your visits to Paul, the ingenious artist, merely as dictated by admiration of his wonderful genius." "You do not know that Paul is the son of my mother's sister," replied she. "Your uncle knows; but there may be reasons why you don't." "Then I am relieved," was the lover's ejaculation, in a tone as if he had got quit of a great burden.