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Then terrible blows of his heart hammered at his ribs, throbs of mighty pain burst his brain; great constrictions of his throat choked him. He began fighting the encompassing waters with frenzied strength. Up and up he fought his way to see at last the light, to gasp at the air. But the flood sucked at him, a weight pulled at his feet. As he went down again something hard struck him.

After a time a delicate patch of cellular membrane appeared upon one face of this yolk, and that patch was the foundation of the whole creature, the clay out of which it would be moulded. Gradually investing the yolk, it became subdivided by transverse constrictions into segments, the forerunners of the rings of the body.

They lacked the power of sympathetic touch with other men that makes greatly for success in life. To my mind there are some games which bring no sympathetic touch among men. Mere games are not always worthy of the name of play. They become drudgery, and they cause certain constrictions. They fetter the whole life. They call for perfect silence, call for the exercise of great mechanical skill.

Two nerve fibers, showing the nodes or constrictions of Ranvier and the axis cylinder. The medullary sheath has been dissolved away. The Nervous System Compared to a Telegraphic System. In men and other highly organized animals, nerves are found in nearly every tissue and organ of the body.

The girl's face was set in wonder, in shining unbelief, yet a little persuaded. They were apart the reach of their arms. "As you were!" ordered the fat private in low tones, and with a little rush they became as they were. Again the girl's arms ran to tighten about the soldier's neck. The watcher noticed their earnest constrictions.

This is useful as a test of mastery of the preceding exercise. A piece of 3/16 or 7/32 inch tubing is joined to each end of a piece of tubing 5/8 by about 5 inches, and two constrictions made in the large tube, by the method described on page 10. For this exercise tubing of 1/4 inch diameter and moderately strong walls is selected.

But the structural plan of this type is a body divided by transverse constrictions or joints; and whether those joints are uniformly arranged from one end of the body to the other, as in the Worms, or whether the front joints are soldered together so as to form two regions of the body, as in Crustacea, or divided so as to form three regions of the body, as in winged Insects, does not in the least affect the typical character of the structure, which remains the same in all.

She said in a very loud, very thin and edged voice, the little constrictions on either side of her nose extraordinarily deep: "I never can understand any of your ideas, except that no one else ever seems to have them. Except your Fargus friends perhaps. I should keep them for them if I were you. Anyway, all I wanted to say I've said.

In this way the central marrow of the Vertebrates divides clearly into its two chief sections, brain and spinal cord. But in these it soon passes away, the one vesicle being divided into several successive parts by transverse constrictions. In all the Craniotes, from the Cyclostoma up to man, the same parts develop from these five original cerebral vesicles, though in very different ways.

Presently a second constriction takes place below the first, then a third, till the entire length of the animal is divided across by a number of such transverse constrictions, the whole body growing, meanwhile, in height. But now an extraordinary change takes place in the portions thus divided off. Each one assumes a distinct organic structure, as if it had an individual life of its own.