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Truth for us is simply a collective name for verification-processes, just as health, wealth, strength, etc., are names for other processes connected with life, and also pursued because it pays to pursue them. Truth is MADE, just as health, wealth and strength are made, in the course of experience. Here rationalism is instantaneously up in arms against us.

Nothing of the kind has ever come at all within the sphere of my observation: therefore I forbear to speak about it. I shall never forget the delight with which I received a letter from a gentleman connected with the literature of spiritualism, informing me that materialized Spirit Faces had at last been produced in full light, and inviting me to come and see.

Monism thinks that the all-form or collective-unit form is the only form that is rational. The all-form allows of no taking up and dropping of connexions, for in the all the parts are essentially and eternally co-implicated. In the each-form, on the contrary, a thing may be connected by intermediary things, with a thing with which it has no immediate or essential connexion.

It was connected with how he was seeing the room, he was sure of that every detail was so bright as to be almost luminous but he felt something more. He stood, not surprised to find himself dressed as he finished the motion, or to see his sleeping mat replaced by a table set for first-meal. Godhome, he thought, was certainly an obliging host.

"You boys mustn't be seen with me. You are not supposed to be connected with the secret service in any way." "No, I suppose not," chuckled Jimmie. "I suppose they come here an' put bombs under our cottage, an' lug us off to deserted houses, an' all that, thinkin' we're down here in search of a new kind of butterfly.

Next the clause 'Aparantatamas is said to be the teacher of the Vedas' intimates the non- human character of the Vedas; and finally the clause 'Of the whole Pankaratra, Narayana himself is the promulgator' declares that Narayana himself revealed the Pankaratra doctrine. The connected purport of these different clauses is as follows.

But when Mrs Broughton discovered from her Bible that Heber had been connected by family ties with Moses, she was more than ever sure that Heber's wife would have in her tent much of the spoilings of the Egyptians.

Captain Wilson was not, indeed, a cheerful companion. He maintained the attitude of stiff disapproval with which he had all along regarded Salissa and everything connected with that island.

The supposed proof of this is that each sister exercises the special function of one of the Norns. "The third is the special prophetess, whilst the first takes cognizance of the past, and the second of the present, in affairs connected with humanity. These are the tasks of Urda, Verdandi, and Skulda.

I have always found it a matter of no little difficulty to become acquainted with the women, and especially with the young women, in the church with which I have been connected. With the older women this reticence is not so marked. Now for my story: One day I called on a family, expecting to meet the mother, with whom I was well acquainted.