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She bent toward him, as if confidentially, and contrived that her sweet, cool, feminine breath should fan his cheek. "Aren't you here to alter the evil to the good, Maskull? Then what does it matter who sent you?" "What can you possibly know of good and evil?" "Are you only instructing the initiated?" "Who am I, to instruct anybody? However, you're quite right.

I'll tell you, though," he said, lowering his voice confidentially, "if I can see you when no one is around I'll give you what little I've written at least, some of the best. A poet at his worst, you know," he added, smiling, "is the poorest man in the world. He's like a woman who tells everything no one could respect him.

Captain Lee, an English officer, quartered in Ulster, in a very interesting letter to the queen written about this time, assures her confidentially that, although a Roman Catholic, he "is less dangerously or hurtfully so than some of the greatest in the English Pale," for that when he accompanied the Lord-deputy to church "he will stay and hear a sermon;" whereas they "when they have reached the church door depart as if they were wild cats."

I just came in to see about Rachel," said Grace, escaping. Miss Wellwood intended going out to join her old friend; but, on going to put on her bonnet, she saw from the window Mrs. Curtis, leaning on the intruder's arm, conversing so confidentially that the Dean's sister flushed with amazement, and only hoped she had mentioned him with due respect. And under that southern cathedral wall good Mrs.

An elderly clergyman of ascetic and acidulous aspect had passed us with a glance of evident disapproval, clearly setting us down as intruding philanderers; and when I contrasted the parson's probable conception of the whispered communications that were being poured into my ear so tenderly and confidentially with the dry reality, I chuckled aloud.

Carroll leaned toward Mabel confidentially. "In case you feel very badly disappointed, I'll let you into a secret. When we feel real, real savage, we take the ax instead." Evelyn fancied that Vane winced at this, but Mabel looked openly regretful. "Can either of you pick up a handkerchief going at full gallop on horseback?" she inquired.

Sleepin' yet, I'll be bound. When he ought to be up an' Why, when I was a young devil his age " "He's outside somewhere," said Guy Little. "He has been down to the crick for a mornin' dip, I'd guess, your majesty." "Why would you guess that?" "Because pretty near all he had on was a towel an' a a sort of a immodes' britch-cloth," explained Guy Little confidentially.

Indeed, he had told his chamberlain confidentially that if events progressed aright he should probably not return for a week or maybe more, and the sudden return of his lord found the worthy deputy in nowise prepared to meet him, and he had his good dame to thank that, inasmuch as she had deprived him of liquor sufficient to make him drunk, he was in no worse condition than he happened to be.

Yes, and I said it like the accustomed drinker, carelessly, casually, as a sort of spontaneous thought that had just occurred to me. Looking back, I am confident that the only one there who guessed I was a tyro at bar-drinking was Johnny Heinhold. "Where'd he get it?" I overheard Spider confidentially ask Johnny. "Oh, he's been sousin' here with Nelson all afternoon," was Johnny's answer.

There had been so many only women he had ever loved that she was not satisfied to remain at Paris while he was conducting garden-parties at the Castle of Montebello. Furthermore, Bonaparte himself wished her to be present. "This Montebello life is, after all, little else than a dress rehearsal for what is to come," he said, confidentially, to Bourrienne, "and Josephine can't afford to be absent.