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Amongst other favors she showed me, Mary used to be particularly fond of kissing me: it was a thing I did not so much value in those days, but I found that the more I grew alive to the extent of the benefit, the less she would condescend to confer it on me; till at last, when I was about fourteen, she discontinued it altogether, of her own wish at least; only sometimes I used to be rude, and take what she had now become so mighty unwilling to give.

"Be careful, missie, now do, there's a dear good girl," said Dorcas anxiously, an hour later, when Griselda, dressed as usual in her little white muslin frock, was ready to join her aunts at dessert. But Griselda would not condescend to make any reply.

I am the Woman of Shamlegh. She hailed hoarsely, and there came out of a cow-pen her two husbands and three others with a dooli, the rude native litter of the Hills, that they use for carrying the sick and for visits of state. 'These cattle' she did not condescend to look at them 'are thine for so long as thou shalt need. 'But we will not go Simla-way.

That's to be expected she's his grandchild of course I know that," and Mrs. Wilkinson again nodded her head. "But, George, you must look very close after the old gentleman. It won't at all do to let Harcourt cut you out altogether. I do hope you mean to be a good deal down at Hadley. It won't last for long, you know." Bertram would not condescend to explain to Mrs.

This being the prudential plan on which she acted, it cannot be supposed that she would condescend to inquire into the state of his thoughts when she saw him thus affected; but she, nevertheless, imposed that task on her cousin and confidant, who, as they walked together in the park observed that he seemed to be out of humour.

The nun observed on that score an obstinate silence, but threw out many hints on the importance attached to the vain ornaments of a frail child of clay, and on the hardship that even a spouse of Heaven was compelled to divert her thoughts from her higher duties, and condescend to fasten clasps and adjust veils.

'I am agoing, I suppose, said Ruby, probably feeling that if she could but bring herself to condescend so far there might yet be open for her a way of escape. 'I shall write and tell Mr Crumb where you are placed. 'Oh, Mrs Hurtle, don't. What should you write to him for? It ain't nothing to him. 'I told him I'd let him know if any steps were taken. 'You can forget that, Mrs Hurtle.

But a common fellow may pass them. If you would lend me your fine clothes and that great wig, and condescend to my subfuse and bob, there's no one would take so shabby a fellow for yourself. Maybe I might make a show to break out one way, while you slipped past by another." "And left you to bear the brunt for me? I complain of you again, Mr. Boyce you do not much value my honour."

"My God! dear Hercules, see how we are calumniated," said the irate Frenchwoman, rather illogically, turning to her miserable atom of a husband, who gesticulated and shrugged his shoulders in response, and looking over the skipper and Colonel Vereker as if neither existed, she went on to remark to Elsie, who, however, did not appear to relish very much her conversation or endearments, that, "some persons whom she would not condescend to name, were, of monsters, the most infamous and ungrateful men, indeed, of the gutter but that she, the little one, was an angel."

"Silence, you blackguard, I shall not condescend to argue with such as you: if I did, I could prove that you are a set of base slaves, who have just as much right to this property as your master or I have." "As you have, I dare say, master." "As I have, you scoundrel; this pond is as much my property, and so are the fish in it, as they are of your master, who has usurped the right."