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In fact, the story of the Popkins family was but too true; it was attested by too many present to be for a moment doubted; and from the contradictory and concordant testimony of half a score, all eager to relate it, the company were enabled to make out all the particulars. It was but a few days before that the carriage of Alderman Popkins had driven up to the inn of Terracina.

Saying one thing definitely, they evoke a concordant harmony of subconscious and shadowy suggestion. Expressing a message in the present, they recall remembered beauty from the past. Thus it is with the words of those two enchanted lines of Keats, "Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn." They say much more than what they say.

Birds and reptiles. Independent origins of similar sense organs. The ear. The eye. Other coincidences. Causes besides Natural Selection produce concordant variations in certain geographical regions. Causes besides Natural Selection produce concordant variations in certain zoological and botanical groups. There are homologous parts not genetically related.

In the place of a mere assertion of our ignorance as to the way these phenomena have been produced, he brings forward, as their explanation, a cause which it is contended in this work is demonstrably insufficient. Chances against concordant variations. Examples of discordant ones. Concordant variations not unlikely on a non-Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis. Placental and implacental mammals.

Will, understanding, and doing are also in a series of like degrees; for will is of love and so of affection, understanding is of wisdom and so of faith, and doing is of use and so of work; as, then, all things of wisdom and love are present in use, so all things of thought and affection are present in action, all things of faith and charity in good works, and so forth; but all are homogeneous, that is, concordant.

For their argumentative topic during confinement was Woman, when it was not Theology; and even off a yacht, those are subjects to kindle the utmost hatred of dissension, if men are not perfectly concordant.

McLean, and the rest, rolled up from the hall below wreaths of smoke, bursts of laughter, and finally chimes of those concordant voices with which gentlemen talk politics, and, even when agreeing infamously, become vociferant and high-colored. It was after lunch that Mrs.

It lies, near Malpaso, on green slates, steatitic, mingled with hornblende, destitute of mica and grains of quartz, dipping, like the grunsteins, 45 degrees toward the north, and directed, like them, 75 degrees north-west. At Piedras Azules these slates, mingled with hornblende, cover in concordant stratification a blackish-blue slate, very fissile, and traversed by small veins of quartz.

For the contrary of it is written in the history of all great nations; it is the one sentence always inscribed on the steps of their thrones; the one concordant voice in which they speak to us out of their dust. All such nations first manifest themselves as a pure and beautiful animal race, with intense energy and imagination.

We cannot do otherwise than thank God for the concordant voice of Bahaite and Ṣufite. Unmixed spiritual prayer may indeed be uncommon, but we may hope that prayer with no spiritual elements at all is still more rare. It is the object of prophets to awaken the consciousness of the people to its spiritual needs. Of this class of men Inayat Khan speaks thus,