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Copyright, 1919, by the Yale University Press. In many manufacturing lines, American genius for organization and large scale production has developed mammoth industries. In nearly all the tendency to combination and concentration has exercised a predominating influence.

They shall be under no other restrictions concerning the enjoyment of their private rights and the judicial enforcement of their rights than neutral residents; they may accordingly not be transferred to concentration camps nor shall their private property be subject to sequestration or liquidation or other compulsory alienation except in cases that under the existing laws apply also to neutrals.

Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. Smiles He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither. Franklin The important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it. Goethe A healthy definite purpose is a remedy for a thousand ills. O. S. Marden The evidence of superior genius is the power of intellectual concentration. B. R. Hayden

For, as stated before, when you learn to control the body, you are gaining control over the mind. The ignorant person may say, "How can you get anything by merely wanting it? I say that through concentration you can get anything you want. Every desire can be gratified. But whether it is, will depend upon you concentrating to have that desire fulfilled.

I must be content for the present with the bare assertion that the prevailing abuses and sins, which have made reform necessary, are all of them associated with the prodigious concentration of wealth, and of the power exercised by wealth, in the hands of a few men.

Everything that's put into it will be grist for it." She was impressed but not convinced. He had made his point about concentration too clear to her intelligence. She persisted: "But you said if you took a place on a newspaper it would make you fight less hard." "I say a lot of things," he interrupted laughingly. "Don't be frightened about me. What I'm most afraid of is that you'll desert me.

All the meaning there is in an action he could make us feel with entire certainty, and always he proceeds by this method of elimination, concentration, simplification, insistence on the essential and the essential only.

Worthington did not stop with the story of Saint Monica. He lost himself in those details of asceticism, martyrdom, superhuman possibilities which man is capable of attaining under peculiar conditions of life something he had not yetgone into.” The voices at the card table would certainly have disturbed a man with less power of mind concentration. For Mrs.

After sitting for twenty minutes before a blank sheet of foolscap, Lenox gave up all further effort at mental concentration. A nostalgia of vast untenanted spaces was upon him, of those great glacier regions where a man could stand alone with God and the universe, could shake himself free from the fret of personal desire.

It is possible that the Federal army, already demoralised by retreat, might have yielded to such vigorous pressure. But in the Confederate attack there was not the slightest attempt at concentration. The order which dictated it gave an opening to misunderstanding; and, as is almost invariably the case when orders are defective, misunderstanding occurred. The movement was premature.