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For a moment the thought that the whole tribe had moved away, deserting their tents, held Stane's mind; but it was dispelled by the whisper of Jean Bènard. "Do you stay here with zee dogs, m'sieu, whilst I go drag out Chief George. Have zee rifle ready; an' eef dere is trouble, be prompt at zee shootin'. Vous comprenez?" "Yes," answered Stane, "if there is trouble I will not hesitate."

"The English name, Champney," continued the man in the chair, "you know that might derive from it, might derive. But I am not so well acquainted with the English names as with the French. You comprenez pour quoi, sans doute. I am derive myself, from a great French name, a great family."

Trente centimes, chaque verre! Thirty, my old one. Six sous, comprenez?" "No comprennye," said the Australian. "Vingt centimes, or go to hell." The woman demanded the thirty centimes; kept on demanding with a voice more shrill. "It was her voice that vexed me," said the Australian. "That and the bloody injustice."

M. Pelet read, I suppose, the expression of my eye; he explained: "La fenetre fermee donne sur un jardin appartenant a un pensionnat de demoiselles," said he, "et les convenances exigent enfin, vous comprenez n'est-ce pas, monsieur?"

Neither of the two men who had been stationed at the front door had seen the ambassador since breakfast, therefore he could not have gone out that way. Comprenez? It seemed ridiculous, Monsieur, but then I went to the kitchen. The chef had been there all day, and he had not seen the ambassador at all. I inquired further.

"Well, you go back to those who sent you here and say with the compliments of Monsieur Philidor that the roads of the Perche are dangerous after dark. I've every right to break your head, and if I meet you again I'll do it. Comprenez?" The man eyed Markham's stick dubiously again and then, with a glance toward the pair in the bushes, silently walked away.

Me comprenez vous?" "Madame, je vous comprends." Her ladyship looked surprised. French was not very common among the honest trading class, or indeed any but the higher classes in England. "But," John continued, "I must dissent from Lady Caroline Brithwood, if she mingles the English people with 'le peuple Francais. They are a very different class of beings."

Very unreasonable of her ladyship to disparage that ample provision. "Lucy cannot come to you just now. She is practicing." "Mais, il le faut. J'ai le droit de demander apres elle. Elle m'appartient, vous comprenez, madame, cette demoiselle la." Madame could not forbear a smile. "I wish you would speak English sense, instead of French nonsense."

I beseech you, tell me!" "Listen. My father was a poor clerk in the Service. He had a good heart and was not without intelligence; but the spirit of the age of his environment vous comprenez? I do not blame my poor father. He drank, gambled, took bribes. My mother but why say more? Poverty, the struggle for daily bread, the consciousness of insignificance ah, do not force me to recall it!

"I see heem not ver' close; an' I travel fast. I give heem an' girl one look, cry bonjour! an' then he is past. Vous comprenez?" "Yes," replied the white man standing there with a look of abstraction on his face. For a full two minutes he did not speak again, but stood as if resolving some plan in his mind, then he looked at the half-breed again. "You are going up the river?" he asked. "Oui!"