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Putting two and two together, it is not a very violent assumption to say that Eustace went out to the stables for a very special purpose, and what more special purpose could he have than to hide the diamond cuff-buttons, or at least some of them, which he probably stole! Comprends-tu cela, tu imbécile?"

Rochester, proceeding from the depths of an immense easy-chair at the fireside. "And mind," he continued, "don't bother me with any details of the anatomical process, or any notice of the condition of the entrails: let your operation be conducted in silence: tiens-toi tranquille, enfant; comprends-tu?"

Comprends-tu, Cupidon, c'est une sottise que tu as fait?" Cupidon made no reply; his head was hung down a little lower, and his lips extended a little further out. "Sache que tu es un petite voleur!" continued his mistress. Cupidon did not condescend to answer. "Allez, monsieur; ne m'approchez pas."

Comprends-tu, Cupidon, c'est une sottise que tu as fait?" Cupidon made no reply; his head was hung down a little lower, and his lips extended a little farther out. "Sache que tu es un petit voleur!" continued his mistress. Cupidon did not condescend to answer. "Allez, monsieur; ne m'approchez pas."