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You will find it difficult at first, but it will come easier with practice, and as you get on I will give you a book on 'mental arithmetic, and you will find that there is nothing more useful than being able to make complicated calculations in your head." The next six months passed quickly with Jack Simpson.

The doctrine of the pulse reached such extraordinary development that the whole practice of the art centred round its different characters. There were scores of varieties, which in complication and detail put to confusion the complicated system of some of the old Graeco-Roman writers.

A period of suspense followed, in which the difficulty of forming a new government, owing to personal antagonisms, was complicated by radical differences as to public policy, especially in the cardinal point of pursuing or relinquishing the war in the peninsula. Not till near the middle of June was an arrangement reached.

She had spoken frankly, and neither asked nor expected any reply from Gabriel more satisfactory than that she had obtained. Yet in the centremost parts of her complicated heart there existed at this minute a little pang of disappointment, for a reason she would not allow herself to recognize.

Look for one moment at midnight into a cotton-mill, amidst the smell of oil, the smoke of lamps, the rattling of wheels, the dizzy and complicated motions of diabolical mechanism: contemplate the little human machines that keep play with the revolutions of the iron work, robbed at that hour of their natural rest, as of air and exercise by day: observe their pale and ghastly features, more ghastly in that baleful and malignant light, and tell me if you do not fancy yourself on the threshold of Virgil's hell, where

"This individual was about thirty; elegantly dressed; and from the way he expressed himself, one could see that he was a man accustomed to good society. "He told me he was making a tour, and was now doing the neighbourhood about Reims and Châlons. "'Not very picturesque country, I remarked. "But he retorted; "'It is interesting the roads, for example, are complicated!

If for three centuries Christianity has been gradually returning to its origin, that is, becoming purely a religion and a moral teaching, for some centuries in the ancient world it was a thing much more complicated; a government and an administration that willed not only to regulate the relations between man and God, but to govern the intellectual, social, moral, political, and economic life of the people!

There had been nothing about Burnamy, and March decided that he must wait to see his wife if he wished to know anything, when the general, who had been silent, twisted his head towards him, and said without regard to the context, "It was complicated, at Weimar, by that young man in the most devilish way. Did my daughter write to Mrs.

It was several moments before he spoke. He looked Mr. Pengarth in the face, and his tone was unusually deliberate. "Gifts," he said, "are not always given in friendship. Life may easily become a more complicated affair for that child with the Tredowen estates hanging round her neck. And anyhow, I disappoint my next of kin." Morrison, smooth-footed and silent, appeared upon the lawn.

De Gex was in fear of us, and had resorted to that ruse in order to keep himself posted upon Hambledon's movements! Truly the situation was daily growing more complicated! "Surely such a well-known man as Mr. De Gex a man who is noted not only for his immense wealth, but for his generous contributions to charity could not have enemies?" I remarked.