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How splendid for you!" "I've been at our Historical Society hearin' about the Huns, and therefore there's compellin' necessity for a drink," Lawrence said, moving in the direction of his room. "Oh! rot, don't go in yet. We're thinking of going round and paying Bunning a visit in another ten minutes. He's going to have a whole lot of men in for a prayer-meeting. Thompson's just brought word."

"Hosses out thar, but here we go like niggers to a camp-meetin'," she went on. "I'm not goin'." "Oh, do go, Mrs. Starbuck," Mrs. Mayfield pleaded. "No, I won't go a step. I won't be shamed in this way." "Sorry, Margaret," said Jasper. "I 'lowed you'd enjoy yo'se'f, still if you don't want to go thar's no way of compellin' you. Wall, climb up, everybody." Mrs.

The English have knowledge, but they've small imagination!... I declare to my goodness, the best thing that could happen to the two of us, the English and the Irish, would be for some one to pass a law compellin' every Irishwoman to marry an Englishman, an' every Englishwoman to marry an Irishman. We'd get some stability into Ireland then ... an' mebbe we'd get some intelligence into England."

Sumptimes when he went in swimmin thay'd go to the banks of the Lake & steal all his close, thereby compellin him to sneek home by a sircootius rowt, drest in the Skanderlus stile of the Greek Slaiv. "I find that the keers of a marrid life way hevy onto me," sed the Profit, "& sumtimes I wish I'd remaned singel." I left the Profit and startid for the tavern whare I put up to.

"You see, them swanged fools in the legislature has went to work and passed a act ag'in' my protest, mind you compellin' doctors to fill out blanks answerin' to a lot of darn-fool questions 'bout one thing and 'nother, like this here." He had spread open on the table the paper he had drawn from his pocket.

Then there was a lot of tramplin' of feet on the poop over my 'ead, with a good deal of talkin'; then I 'eard somebody cry out, there was a 'eavy splash in the water alongside, and then everything went quite quiet all of a sudden, and I 'eard no more until mornin'. But I guessed pretty well what 'ad 'appened; and when Turnbull come along about five bells and unlocked my door and ordered me to turn out and get about my work, I found I was right, for when I went for'ard to the galley, Slushy that's the cook, otherwise known as Neil Dolan told me that that skowbank Turnbull, backed up by the four A.B.s in the fo'c's'le and Slushy 'isself, 'ad rose and took the ship from the skipper, killin' 'im and Chips that's the carpenter puttin' the mate in irons and lockin' 'im up in 'is cabin, and compellin' the four ordinarys to help whether they would or no in workin' the ship.

'Ye got ye'er money, says Father Kelly; 'an' much good may it do ye, he says. 'Well, says Dochney, 'I'd be a long time prayin' mesilf into five thousan', he says. An' he become leader in th' council. Th' las' ordhnance he inthrojooced was wan establishin' a license f'r churches, an' compellin' thim to keep their fr-ront dure closed an' th' blinds drawn on Sundah. He was expelled fr'm th' St.