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The next morning, the first thing that occurred to Lord Colambre's remembrance, when he awoke, was the sound of the contemptuous emphasis which had been laid on the words IRISH ABSENTEES! This led to recollections of his native country, to comparisons of past and present scenes, to future plans of life. Young and careless as he seemed, Lord Colambre was capable of serious reflection.

Comparisons of sanitation, order, neatness, and businesslike management of these islands, with the happy-go-lucky administration of the Society, Paumotus, Marquesas, and Austral archipelagoes, owned by the French, were frequent by the English. The French shrugged their shoulders. "The Tahitians are happy, and we send millions of francs to aid France," they said.

"Still, she can have no reason for keeping her thus in order to make herself seem young. She is only a stepmother." "Of course. But people might make comparisons. Beauty in the bud sometimes blooms out unexpectedly when it is not welcome." "Yes she is fading fast. Small women ought not to grow stout." "Anyhow, I have no patience with her for keeping a girl of fifteen in short skirts."

Comparisons were naturally made between this speech and the speech by which he introduced the Bill, and everybody who was competent thought that the second speech was the finer and better of the two. Stories have trickled through to the public of the anxieties and worries with which Mr.

The result of all these comparisons and deliberations is the choice of the best from among all these possible systems, which wisdom makes in order to satisfy goodness completely; and such is precisely the plan of the universe as it is.

He made careful comparisons between the animals of other continents, as described and portrayed by the naturalist, and similar orders in America. All new inventions interested him. "I am so pleased," he writes, "with the new invented lamp that I shall not grudge two guineas for one of them."

And then, the ever-recurring comparisons: Arthur would have gone by, Arthur would not have bothered himself, for he detested scenes and fisticuffs. How few real men she had met, men who walked through life naturally, unfettered by those self-applied manacles called "What will people say?" "Let us go up to the bow," she invited. "I've a little story myself to tell."

But I forgot. I am in elegant France now, and not scurrying through the great South Pass and the Wind River Mountains, among antelopes and buffaloes and painted Indians on the warpath. It is not meet that I should make too disparaging comparisons between humdrum travel on a railway and that royal summer flight across a continent in a stagecoach.

For the genitive, besides the Standard jong, are found ha, am-ba, am, and am-nam. Am-nam and am also mean "from." The plural sometimes takes the suffix met. Adjectives. The usual word for male is korang, and for "female" konthaw, in place of the Standard shynrang and kynthei respectively. The following are examples of comparisons: Re-myrriang, good; Mai-myrriang, better; U re-myrriang, best.

Doesn't seem to think such a thing as a a proposal exists. Now an American girl is just as ready " "Richard," I interrupted severely, "the circumstances do not require international comparisons. By the way, how do you happen to be travelling with with Mr. Mafferton?" "That's exactly where it comes in," Mr. Dod exclaimed luminously.