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It is in the name of "Andreas de Moravia et Willelmus Wallensis, duces exercitis regni Scotiæ, et communitas, eiusdem regni" like the Hexham protection but without any mention of King John.

The latter, of course, consisted of the aggregate body of citizens, anciently designated immensa communitas, or folkmote, who were annually to elect four persons at the wardmote for each ward to represent the commonalty on all occasions of a deliberative nature. During the early part of this reign the City of London had no reason to complain of any lack of royal favour.

Sometimes the word COMMUNITAS is found; but it always means COMMUNITAS BARONAGII. These points are clearly proved by Dr. Brady.

The control of war and peace was a steady aim of the Church from the beginning of the eleventh century. The evil of feudalism was its propensity to private war. To cure that evil the Church invented the Truce of God. The Truce was a diocesan matter. The 'form' of Truce was enacted in a diocesan assembly, and the people of the diocese formed a communitas pacis for its enforcement.

When the monks of Winchester elected an Englishman as their bishop in the hope of getting rid of the queen's uncle, Alexander IV. summoned Aymer to his court and consecrated him bishop with his own hands. "Communitas bacheleriae Angliae," Burton Ann., p. 471. See on this, Engl. Hist. Review, xvii. , 89-94. Early in 1260, Montfort went back to England and made common cause with Edward.