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"I've told you the truth," asserted Zinaida once more. "Well, just be careful," said the sergeant with dignity. "We'll find out all the same. You are sure you've returned him home?" "Yes, home to his mother," replied Zinaida. "Very well, I shall report that to the Captain of the police." He told a lie for dignity's sake. It was the Commissary of the police who sent him here, and not the Captain.

Lotchè, recovering her coolness, had plucked up courage to speak. "Who is there?" "It is I! I! I!" "Who are you?" "The Commissary Passauf!" The Commissary Passauf! The very man whose office it had been contemplated to suppress for ten years. What had happened, then? Could the Burgundians have invaded Quiquendone, as they did in the fourteenth century?

For they were wonderfully puzzled by all those events that succeeded each other, and anxious about all these goings and comings. "I am going home," the commissary said to them; "but, before that, listen to my instructions. You will allow no one, you understand, no one who is not known to you, to go up to Mlle. Lucienne's room.

"We'll see about that," murmured the inspector, mentally resolving to have an eye on this youth whom success might transform into a rival. He said no more, for the little party which he preceded had now overtaken him, and he stood aside to make way for the commissary of police. This commissary was far from being a novice.

But Brissac was pointing to three or four men dodging from shadow to shadow under the masthead lights and circling wide to tighten the line of circumvallation. "We shan't run very far," he commented. It seemed a hair-graying age to the watchers at the Nadia's windows before the men behind the commissary barricade got their infernal machine placed to their liking.

But no one ever heard the old man use harsher language in speaking of her than to remark that she was "a female Jineral that's what Tabitha is." Perhaps she was, and but for her the Bishop and his household had starved long ago. "Furagin' is her strong point" he would always add "she'd made Albert Sydney Johnston a great chief of commissary." And there was not an herb of any value that Mrs.

A day or two ago two National Guards were exchanging their strategical views in a café, when they observed a stranger write down something. He was immediately arrested, as he evidently intended to transmit the opinions of these two military sages to General Moltke. I was myself down at Montrouge yesterday, when I was requested by two National Guards to accompany them to the nearest commissary.

"'C'est tout égal 'tis all one, said he. "'Bon Dieu! What! pay for the way I go and for the way I do not go? "'C'est tout égal, replied the commissary. "'The devil it is! said I. 'But I will go to ten thousand Bastilles first. O, England!

Without giving his courage time to cool, the young fellow dashed across the hallway to the office where the commissary and squire were sitting, and announced: "News, Mr. Meredith. Leftenant Hennion is alive, for his name was on the rebel lists of prisoners to be exchanged." "Oddsbodikins!" ejaculated the squire. "Here 's an upset, Clowes, to all our talk."

Sending at once for a locksmith, he had all the drawers broken open, and soon acquired the irrefutable evidence that the Mutual Credit had been defrauded of sums, which, as far as now known, amount to upwards of twelve millions. "At once the police was notified; and M. Brosse, commissary of police, duly provided with a warrant, called at the guilty cashier's house.