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Constantinople est formée de diverses parties séparées: de sorte qu'il y a plus de vide que de plein. Les plus grosses caraques peuvent venir mouiller sous ses murs, comme

The young Duke was only a young Baron when the novel was first written; his false friend, the Viscount, was a simple commoner and so on with all the characters of the story." "What a wicked, satirical, pert young man you have become! Comme vous voila forme!" said the young lady. "How different from Arthur Pendennis of the country! Ah!

He pronounced them to perfection with genuine Parisian chic, and at the same time he said 'si j'aurais' for 'si j'avais, 'absolument' in the sense of 'absolutely, expressed himself, in fact, in that Great Russo-French jargon which the French ridicule so when they have no reason for assuring us that we speak French like angels, 'comme des anges.

Suddenly, beyond the silver web of curtain which the duchess had left partly open, a door, evidently concealed by the painted glass, opened wide, and there came floating into the room the refrain of an old French song, carolled at the top of a manly and joyous voice, "Trois petits gorets sur leur fumier Juraient comme de porteurs de chaise," and a man entered.

She treated the subject with reserve; but it was evident she disapproved Lady Louisa's choice. She spoke in terms of the highest esteem of Lord Orville, calling him, in Marmontel's words, "Un jeune homme comme il y en a peu." I did not think this conversation very agreeably interrupted by the entrance of Mr. Lovel. Indeed I am heartily sorry he is now at the Hot Wells.

Louis in Senegal, and was just like a Frenchman in all but his colour. I asked him if he found the weather we were having sufficiently warm, and he replied: 'Regardez comme je sue! True enough, the beads of perspiration glistened upon his forehead like black pearls. What is the use, I thought, of being an African if one cannot keep dry in a temperature of 95 deg. Fahrenheit?

«A une bonne demi-lieue de ce château on observe, comme au pied du Mont Saleve, une masse de rochers, dont les couches minces, presque perpendiculaires

"Comme c'est bariole, eh?" he said to his sister in that foreign tongue which they both appeared to feel a mysterious prompting occasionally to use. "Yes, it is bariole indeed," the Baroness answered. "I don't like the coloring; it hurts my eyes." "It shows how extremes meet," the young man rejoined. "Instead of coming to the West we seem to have gone to the East.

And she . . eh bien, she is quite certain I shall be delighted to hear of her great good fortune. Very charming! Very correct!" "And you, Michel . . you?" He shrugged his shoulders, and tossed the note into the fender. "Comme ça! It seems I am a negligible quantity. Possibly have been all along. The notion does not comfort a man's natural vanity.

In fact, I actually believe that, had we possessed a brother or a father or a mother who had not been "comme il faut," I should have declared it to be a great misfortune for us, and announced that between myself and them there could never be anything in common.