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"Hard students are commonly troubled with gowts, catarrhs, rheums, cachexia, bradypepsia, bad eyes, stone, and collick, crudities, oppilations, vertigo, winds, consumptions, and all such diseases as come by over-much sitting: they are most part lean, dry, ill-colored . . . and all through immoderate pains and extraordinary studies.

It driveth away all pains of the collick proceeding from wind, and purgeth safely the gall.

For worms and fits there were some frightful doses of senna and rhubarb and snails, with a slight redeeming admixture of prunes; and as for "Collick" and "Stomack-Ach," I feel sure every respectable Puritan patient child died rather than swallow the disgusting and nauseous compounds that were offered to him for his relief. Puritan babies also wore medical ornaments, "anodyne necklaces."

Sweet heart, What noyse is in this house? my head is broken In every corner, as the earth were shaken With some strange Collick: there are stirs and motions: What planet rules this house? Whos there? In III. 5 the MS. supports Mason's correction "Their blue veins and blush disclose," where Dyce followed the old reading "in blush."

I shall cry out fire if you doe; I had rather have some discourse to keepe me warm still. De. Or how the whole world was troubled with the wind Collick. Sis. No more Earthquakes, I beseech you. Some frends of myne lost a great deale of land the last terme, and for ought I know tis never like to be recover'd. Why, all these verses you have honourd me to heare were translated out of French. De.

It is not to be wondered at that he did so; for Master Gyfford, after twenty-seven years' residence in Madras and more than twenty-seven years in the East, was in poor health, and lately he had been taken ill with a 'a violent fitt of the Stone and Wind Collick. The gardenless 'Factory' in the Fort was a gloomy apology for a 'Governor's House, and the crowd of employees that were accommodated there must have been a serious infliction upon the invalid Governor; and he found the Garden House an agreeable retreat.