United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Make it bucks!" the boy yelled, by the way of correction, and asked again in a low voice, "Coffee?" "If you please." "One up light." While Bradley was eating his cakes, which were excellent, others came in, and the waiters dashed to and fro, shouting their weird orders. "Ham and, two up coff, a pair, boot-leg, white wings."

Don't you notice something missing? Did you ever read the 'Pilgrim's Progress'?" "The Pilgrim's " "Breakfast is ready!" called Ann, teetering on her toes in the doorway. "The Pil " "And Aunt says will you please come at once so's the coff ee won't be cold!" chanted Ann. "Yes, Ann. We're coming." "But I want to know " "Old man, I'll tell you after breakfast. I want you to see me eat.

Next morning an Irishman, the extra man for the haying, came in with a worried look to breakfast. 'That new horse has a chittern' kind of a coff, he said. 'A cough? said I. ''Tain't jist a coff, nayther, he said, 'but a kind of toom! With the last word he obligingly imitated the sound of the cough. It threw me into perspiration. 'Sounds bad, said Uncle Eb, as he looked at me and snickered.

His hearty, humorous greeting seemed to do the sick man good. Herman approached the bed. "Know where you are?" Wallace slowly put out a hand, and Herman took it. "You're coming on all right. Want some breakfast? Make it bucks?" he said, in Chicago restaurant slang. "White wings sunny one up coff." All this was good tonic for Wallace, and an hour later he sipped broth, while Mrs.

How do you find yourself?" His hearty humorous greeting seemed to do the sick man good. Herman approached the bed. "Know where you are?" Wallace slowly put out a hand, and Herman took it. "You're coming on all right. Want some breakfast? Make it bucks?" he said, in Chicago restaurant slang. "White wings sunny one up coff."

Here's the ticket yer want Coffinberry. Here's Senterberry and Coffinter. What the h l yer tryin' to fool the man for? Don't yer spose he knows who he wants ter vote for, say! 'Ere's the ticket Sen Coff don't crowd get off my toes, you d d fool! Workin' men's tickets is the ticket you want! To h l wid yez workin' men's ticket, 'ere's the ticket yez want!

What was to be done with these " widows" whose husbands and numerous offspring were still living ? They could not be sent to Coff as women, with children only, could not be expected to "plant" that desolate province; they could not be expected to "plant" that desolate province; they could not be allowed to remain in their native place, as the decree had gone forth that all the Irish were to "transplant" or be transported: it would have been inconvenient and inexcusable to do what had been so often done in the war-massacre them in cold blood-as the war was over.

Let the man alone stop yer pullin I'll bust yer ear for yer yet. My Cot, my Cot, what tam dimes dese 'lections is. Well yez crowd a poor Jarman till death, yer d d spalpanes, yez? Sen Coff Senterberry and Coffinter Working Men's Repub Dem-whoop-h- l-whooray-bully-y-e-o-u-c-h!!