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Even a charge that existing codes of morality and systems of thought are largely matters of social habit, or rules devised by church and state to maintain an arbitrary and profitable power, does not justify the inference that there is no truth. For there is no dilemma between public tyranny and private caprice.

Nothing but Welsh was to be spoken, none but Welsh books were to be read, and the laws of the colony were to be an amalgam of the codes of Moses and of Howel the Good. The plan failed simply because its originators were poor and unable to tide over the first difficulties of the project.

He established schools and colleges, founded libraries, reformed the codes of law, introduced wise mercantile regulations, rewarded eminent merit, respected the voice of experience, and developed the industries of the country. What Richelieu and Colbert did for France, what Burleigh and Cromwell did for England, Gustavus did for Sweden.

At about the same time with this progress in our knowledge of the geography of India an impulse was given to the study of the literature of India. In 1776 an extract from the most important native codes, then for the first time translated under the title of the Code of the Gentoos was published in London.

Here they were, they two, nameless for they decided upon remaining so living according to their own codes; feeling more and more secure, as time passed, that they were safe and were wisely enjoying what so easily might have been lost had they been limited in faith. "It's the line in our hands!" Raymond declared. "It means something, all right.

Whether we note the omissions in its code, making it insufficient for human guidance; whether we mark its errors, mistakes, and injurious teachings; whichever point of view we take from which to consider it, we find in it nothing to distinguish it above other moral codes, or to prevent it from being classed among other moralities, as being a mixture of good and bad, and, therefore, not to be taken as an, unerring guide, being like them, all FALLIBLE.

'Of course he dare not take that line. He will speak to prevent you from denouncing him. 'But I'm not going to do that anyhow. You wouldn't allow it you said so; besides, I won't if you would. The thing's too doubtful now. 'But, she laughed, 'poor Mr Marlowe doesn't know you won't, does he? Trent sighed. 'What extraordinary things codes of honour are! he remarked abstractedly.

Mungo, who had upheld ancient ceremony by his crude performance on the piob mhor, was the attendant upon the table, an office he undertook with his bonnet on his head, "in token," as his master whisperingty explained to Count Victor, "of his sometimes ill-informed purpose of conducting every formal task in Doom upon the strict letter of military codes as pertained in camps, garrisons, and strongholds."

No wonder Warren had been so confident of its baffling simplicity! Many of the well-known rules for reading codes would not work with this one, and had it not been for Shirley's suspicion, aroused in the library of the arch-schemer the night before, he would hardly have given the typewriter, as a mechanical aide, a second thought.

As to the Wills which are sanctioned by the bodies of law which have descended to us as the codes of the barbarian conquerors of Imperial Rome, they are almost certainly Roman.