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Rock walls sheltered them on the north side, and the sun shone on them on the south. This does not seem much, but it sufficed Maie for a herb plot. All good things go in threes, so Matte and his wife fished for salmon in spring, for herring in summer, and for cod in winter.

It resulted in her banishment from Poland, her native land, which she was never again permitted to enter. But though she paid so heavy a price for the revelation, I do not think she ever really regretted having given to America the facts in that speech. During this same period I embarked upon a high adventure. I had always longed for a home, and my heart had always been loyal to Cape Cod.

As the last two months, except that cod is not thought so good, from February to July. Vegetables. The same as the former months, with the addition of kidney beans. Fruit. Apples, pears, forced strawberries. APRIL, MAY, JUNE. Meat. Beef, mutton, veal, lamb, venison in June. Poultry. Pullets, fowls, chickens, ducklings, pigeons, rabbits, leverets. Fish.

We soon found that this river contained fish in great abundance, and of three kinds at least: namely first, a firm but coarse-tasted fish, having strong scales; this made a groaning noise when on the hook:* secondly, the fish we had found in the Peel, commonly called by the colonists the cod, although most erroneously, since it has nothing whatever to do with malacopterygious fishes: and thirdly, the eel-fish, which we had caught at the lagoon near Tangulda. *

Near the center of Cape Cod Bay, on a line between Race Point and Cape Cod Canal, lies a rocky elevation on which cod are taken, known as Eagle Ledge or Bay Ledge, and by Provincetown fishermen as Red Bank. It has a depth of 13 fathoms. Cape Cod Bay has a considerable Industry in flounder dragging, the fish being taken by a small type of otter trawl.

"I've got my eye on him; he's a Cape Cod man, and he's not so very old either. When he was a boy people went about in ships with sails, and even after he grew up Cap'n Jim was a great feller to manage a catboat; for things has moved slower on the Cape than in many parts of the country."

We have little or none of this Wood in Pampticough. It is of that Species, but more prickly. They bear a Cod, one side whereof contains the Seed, the other the Honey; They will bear in five Years, from the Kernel. Last Year, I planted the Seed, and had them sprung up before I came from thence, which was in August.

They did not yet know how to go out to sea in whaling ships as some people in Europe did. After a while the Long Island people learned to take their small boats out to sea for miles to look for whales. This way of killing the whales spread from Long Island to Connecticut, and from there to Cape Cod.

Yer phiz showed plain to me as Cape Cod Light on a clear night." "Where's your knife?" said Riggs suddenly, leaning forward and peering at his belt. "Left it in my bunk, sir. Top one, first to port as ye go down right at the head it is, sir, in some straw." "Send a man for it, Mr. Harris. Is it in the sheath, you Petrak?"

She was really a thin little girl who had often had to take cod liver oil. In the mirror she gazed at a fat chunk with Rosanna's features and hair and about ten times Rosanna's breadth. It was quite terrifying. Then she heard an awed gasp from Helen followed by a shriek of laughter, and ran over to see what was left of Helen in a mirror that had drawn her out to the thickness of a needle.