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"They're a-making cockshies of us, sir," said Tom Jecks; "better let two of us go ashore and chivvy 'em off." "Sit still, man, and " Whop! "Oh, scissors!" cried a sailor; "who's to sit still, sir, when he gets a squad on the back like that? Why, I shall have a bruise as big as a hen's egg." "Oars! push off!"

"Leander!" she cried, with a hysterical little laugh, "I don't believe she can do it!" "No more don't I!" said the hairdresser, withdrawing his arm, and coming forward boldly. "Now look here, Lady Venus," he remarked, "it's time there was an end of this, one way or the other; we can't be kept up here all night, waiting till it suits your Mr. Zooce to make cockshies of us.

It is this potentially warm air which, mixed by the disturbance with the cold air of the interior, gives to our winds so high a temperature. Such is this theory like its predecessor it is put up for cockshies, and doubtless by our balloon work or by some other observations it will be upset or modified.

"Sheap, oh mosh too sheap; what you like to give." "Will you take a shilling for the whole lot?" "Oh! young gentleman, you make fun, you joke. Ha, ha! One shilling for the beautiful little statues! What joke!" "Too much, is it? I thought so; not but what they would make capital cockshies."

The gipsies return from their rambling soon after the end of hop-picking, and hold a kind of informal fair on the village green with cockshies, swings, and all the clumsy games that extract money from clumsy hands.

At various places great water-tanks and reservoirs had been toppled over and smashed as though some diabolical power had made cockshies of them. I peered down upon the broken bridge of a railway line, and stumbled across uprooted rails torn from their sleepers and hurled about the track.