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From Kerman , in three days riding, you come to a desert which extends to Cobin-ham , seven days journey across, the desert.

Leaving Cobin-ham, you meet with another desert of eight days journey in extent, and terribly barren, having neither trees or water, except what is extremely bitter, insomuch, that beasts refuse to drink of it, except when mixed with meal, and travellers are therefore obliged to carry water along with them.

Cobin-ham is a great city, where great mirrors of steel are made . Tutia also, which is a cure for sore eyes, and spodio are made here in the following manner: From the mines of this country they dig a certain earth, which is thrown into furnaces, from which the vapours, forced downwards, through an iron grate, condense below into tutia of tutty , and the grosser matter remaining in the furnace is called spodio.