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He therefore communicated to her verbally, and also embodied in his will, his wish that his son should have no control over the principal of such portion of the estate as would eventually fall to him until he had established a character that secured the confidence of all good men, and satisfied the judgment of the cautious co-executors.

He's true to his own ideals, though they're not mine. And I was very uncomfortable. "'I hope you won't think me ungrateful, Mr. Ballard, I said as calmly as I could. 'In some ways you've been very like a father to me. I want you to understand that I appreciate all that you and the other co-executors have done for me. I've been very happy.

"I have the papers all ready," says he. "That's nice," says I. "And maybe sometime or other you can tell us what it's all about?" "At once," says he. "You are named as co-executors with me for the estate of the late Curtis B. Gordon." At which J. Bayard gasps. "I?" says he. "An executor for Pyramid Gordon?" Judson nods. "I understand," says he, "that you were ah not on friendly terms with Mr.

With the two Ballards came the five solemn co-executors of John Benham's will Mr. Stewardson, Mr. da Costa, Mr. Wrenn, Mr. Walsenberg and Mr. Duhring. And these, with Jerry, Radford, Flynn, the boxer, and myself made up the company. Jerry had insisted on having Flynn and no amount of urging could dissuade him. Flynn was his friend, he said, more his friend than Mr. Wrenn, Mr.

Probably they felt this as a slight, for, although always kind to me, they held completely aloof from anything like paternal interference with my education. My father had named his eldest sister, Mary, as my sole guardian, with, two lawyers as co-executors with her.