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Stephen Aylmore, M.P. for the Brookminster Division, as the ci-devant Stephen Ainsworth, ex-convict, once upon a time founder and secretary of the Hearth and Home Mutual Benefit Society, the headquarters of which had been at Cloudhampton, in Daleshire; the fall of which had involved thousands of honest working folk in terrible distress if not in absolute ruin.

"Didn't Aylmore say that the real culprit at Cloudhampton was another man his clerk or something of that sort?" "He did," agreed Breton. "He insists on it." "Then this fellow Chamberlayne must have been the man," said Spargo. "He came to Market Milcaster from the north. What'll be done with those papers?" he asked, turning to the officials.

It was not the first time that I had helped him and been well paid for my help. The first time was in connection with the Cloudhampton Hearth and Home Mutual Benefit Society affair Aylmore, or Ainsworth, was as innocent as a child in that! Chamberlayne was the man at the back. But, unfortunately, Chamberlayne didn't profit he lost all he got by it, pretty quick.

But he was something more than astonished when, on the second parcel being opened, a quantity of papers relating to Cloudhampton and the Hearth and Home Mutual Benefit Society were revealed. He gave a hasty glance at these and drew Breton aside. "It strikes me we've found a good deal more than we ever bargained for!" he exclaimed.