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The change from that sleepy environment to the vivid enthusiasm and dash of Carolus-Duran’s studio was like stepping out of a musty cloister into the warmth and movement of a market-place. Here, be it said in passing, lies perhaps the secret of the dry rot that too often settles on our American art schools.

And it is something worth noting that this image of purity and excellence was no monkish vision of the purity of the cloister, but that more complete and at the same time more humble ideal of the true wife, mother, and mistress, whose work was in and for the world and the people, not withdrawn to any exceptional refuge or shelter which has always been most dear to the Anglo-Saxon race.

The lower cloister is roofed with a beautiful three-centred vault with many ribs, and several of the doors are good examples of early renaissance. More like the other cloisters, but probably somewhat later in date, is that of Sta. Clara at Santarem, fast falling to pieces.

"Now I think I should like to take a look at him while I am waiting," the Etheling assented, rising gravely. "Should Edmund be the first to pay the debt of nature, which God avert! the Dane will become my King also. Is it this door that commands the cloister?"

"You would be the despair of a poet, dear soul that I divine so well!" "The extreme heat of mid-day casts into those three expressions of the infinite an all-powerful color," said Pauline, smiling. "I can here conceive the poesy and the passion of the East." "And I can perceive its despair." "Yes," she said, "this dune is a cloister, a sublime cloister."

From that window, situated in the cloister, he could see la Esmeralda's chamber. He often saw herself with her goat, sometimes with Quasimodo. He remarked the little attentions of the ugly deaf man, his obedience, his delicate and submissive ways with the gypsy.

Around the Fountain Court along the north cloister of which the public way passes to the gardens are entrances to various apartments allotted to private residents. On the east side flights of steps go up to the two private suites, known as the Gold Staff Gallery, at the south-eastern corner of the Palace above the State Rooms.

In this new gathering of popular representatives there were many extremely revolutionary elements. The boldest among these were known as the Jacobins, after the old Jacobin cloister in which they held their political meetings.

Nearly forty monasteries and convents were suppressed in Paris, and strange scenes were those when the troops of monks and friars issued forth to secular life, some crying "Vive Jésus le Roi, et la Révolution," for the new ideas had penetrated even the cloister. The barbers' shops were invaded, and strange figures were seen smoking their pipes along the Boulevards.

No, she does the kissing, and Don Sebastian receives her kittenish ways with the smile of an angel. The poor man is so old!" And the Tato ended his confidences with various indecent remarks. All this grumbling against the cardinal, that came from the sacristy up to the cloister, annoyed Gabriel's brother greatly.