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Expedition of Baron de Bougainville Stay at Pondicherry The "White Town" and the "Black Town" "Right-hand" and "Left-hand" Malacca Singapore and its prosperity Stay at Manilla Touron Bay The monkeys and the people The marble rocks of Faifoh Cochin-Chinese diplomacy The Anambas The Sultan of Madura The straits of Madura and Allas Cloates and the Triad Islands Tasmania Botany Bay and New South Wales Santiago and Valparaiso Return viâ Cape Horn Expedition of Dumont d'Urville in the Astrolabe The Peak of Teneriffe Australia Stay at New Zealand Tonga-Tabu Skirmishes New Britain and New Guinea First news of the fate of La Pérouse Vanikoro and its inhabitants Stay at Guam Amboyna and Menado Results of the expedition.

Two stoppages at the villages of Baly and Peejow, with a view to taking in fresh provisions, enabled the officers to make a hydrographical chart of this part of the coast of Lombok. Upon leaving the strait, Bougainville made an unsuccessful search for Cloates Island.

King's Third Voyage Early misadventures Examines North-West coast closely The Mermaid careened Unforeseen result Return to Sydney The Bathurst King's Fourth Voyage Last of the MERMAID Love's stratagem Remarkable cavern Extraordinary drawings Chasm Island South-West explorations Revisits his old camp Rich vegetation Greville Island Skirmish at Hanover Bay Reminiscence of Dampier His notes on the natives and their mode of living Cape Leveque Buccaneers' Archipelago Provisions run out Sails for the Mauritius Survey of South-West re-commenced Cape Chatham Oyster Harbour anchorage A native's toilet Seal hunt Friendly intercourse Cape Inscription Vandalism Point Cloates not an island Vlaming Head Rowley Shoals Cunningham Botanical success Rogers Island closely examined Mainland traced further An amazing escape from destruction Relinquishment of survey Sails for Sydney Value of King's work Settlement on Melville Island Port Essington Colonisation Fort building A waif Roguish visitors Garrison life Change of scene Raffles Bay Dismal reports Failure of attempt.

King found that former navigators had taken that part of the coast he named Point Cloates for an island, calling it Cloates Island; the next day Vlaming Head, of the North-West Cape, came in sight, and a north course bore him to Rowley Shoals, wishing to fix their position with greater correctness, and to examine the extent of the bight round Cape Leveque, which during the earlier part of their voyage they were obliged to leave unexplored.