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Sure no second man in England wore Billy Priske's legs! Then, and while I stood amazed, my father's voice and my Uncle Gervase's called to me together: and gulping down all wonder, possessed with love only and a wild joy but yet grasping my fish I splashed across the shallows and up the bank, and let my father take me naked to his heart. "Clivver boy, clivver boy!" said the voice of Billy Priske.

"But little pitchers have the longest ears; an' mother an' me bein' so busy with the packin', he got ahead of us. He's a clivver child, too, but" 'Beida shook her head "I'm harried in mind about 'en.

Quite in a tricksy way he wormed it out o' mother what a spy was, an' how the way to go to work was to s'arch his cupboards; an' then quick as snuff he started 'pon yours, not sayin' a word to anybody. Pretty clivver for four years' old an' what's clivverer, he found the money too!" "Damn the young viper! . . . No, I asks your pardon.

It's clivver of the nigger to be the first of us to think of that same. Then we'd betther set about it at once hadn't we, captin?" "By all means," was the reply; and the three men, rising to their feet, walked off toward the boat, leaving the young people under the tree.