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'That's journalism, or clippings from a bilious essay; it won't do for the House, he said. 'Revile the House to the country, if you like, but not the country to the House. When I begged him to excuse my absurdity, he replied: 'It's full of promise, so long as you're silent. But to be silent was to be merely an obedient hound of the whip.

If Mr Cheesacre had also known that she had lent the Fairstairs family fifty pounds to help them through with some difficulty which Joe had encountered with the Norwich tradespeople, he would have been beside himself with dismay. He desired to obtain the prize unmutilated, in all its fair proportions. Any such clippings he regarded as robberies against himself.

I've read daily for two years of impending starvation across the Rhine; but I never even now hear of any dead ones from hunger. Cold steel or lead is the only fatal dose for them. Therefore I know that shredded wheat will carry me through. You'll see, I hope, from the clippings that I enclose that I'm not done for yet anyhow.

Come on, I'm going to take them to the Chief. We can get the papers on the way down." Calling the other operative from the roof, before he even had had time to attract the attention of Lena Kraus by his activities, they hastened back to the office, where Fleck and Carter together scanned the two papers from which the clippings had been taken.

But the tables in the library held only massive unused inkstands and immense immaculate blotters; not a single volume had slipped its golden prison. His loneliness had grown overwhelming, and he suddenly thought of Mrs. Heeny's clippings. His mother, alarmed by an insidious gain in weight, had brought the masseuse back from New York with her, and Mrs.

"And," said Carter, pointing to the two clippings lying on Fleck's desk, "in the old man's waste-paper basket we found those." Jane picked up the clippings and examined them curiously. "What are they?" she asked, looking from one to the other; "cipher messages of some sort?" "We think so," said Carter. "We don't know yet."

On the cover was a picture with that title; in the inside a fine collection of pictures representing Jesus as the Good Shepherd, clippings regarding oriental shepherd life, "The Shepherd Psalm," the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the words of hymns like "The Ninety and Nine" and poems like "That Li'l Black Sheep."

I'll do it within twenty-four hours!" The Duke replaced his clippings and shoved the big wallet into his pocket. "Sudden remedies are sometimes good in extreme cases, Luke," he drawled, "but administering knockout drops to a sick party is not to be recommended." The chairman's patience left him then.

The only fun we had before the letter came was early that very morning, when Aunty May was sitting reading some clippings her editor had sent her, with her back to the little cupboard I told about, that was made out of an old window. I came down the stairs from my room and stood looking at her, wishing she'd look up so I could interrupt.

When Perkins entered Diotti's room he found the violinist heavy-eyed and dejected. "My dear Signor," he began, showing a large envelope bulging with newspaper clippings, "I have brought the notices. They are quite the limit, I assure you. Nothing like them ever heard before all tuned in the same key, as you musical fellows would say," and Perkins cocked his eye.