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Older than the oldest book, older than the oldest recorded memory of man, on the Rocks of Language, on the hard-baked clay of Ancient Customs, now crumbling to decay, are found the marks of her footsteps! Side by side with his who stands beside her you may trace them; and you know that she who now lies there once wandered free over the rocks with him." And I said, "Why does she lie there now?"

My reputation as an indigent bachelor out of a job won't stand many onslaughts of company dressed as you are. If you want to come to see me you must come disguised. I'm afraid I'm under suspicion already." "Explain to them that we're the clay, they the uncut diamonds. That will let you out," advised Doctor Brainard grimly. "Ah, but you don't look the part," said Brown, laughing.

He knows how best to fashion a good thing. It isn't for the clay to cry out." "Is that your point of view?" Piers spoke with reckless bitterness. "It isn't mine." "You'll come to it," said Crowther gently. They walked on for a space in silence, till turning they began to ascend the winding path that led up to the hotel, the path which Piers had watched Crowther ascend that morning.

His eyes fell upon the heavy brass mountings of the harness. They bore the arms of Olancho. He wheeled sharply and called to his men inside the post-house, and they stepped out from the veranda and spread themselves leisurely across the road. "Ride him down, Clay," Langham muttered, in a whisper.

The roads became sloughs, our feet were drawn heavily out of the clay, the burns and brooks raged from bank to brae, and the horses swithered at the fords, in so much, that towards the gloaming, when we were come to Bathgate, several of our broken legions were seen far behind; and when we halted for the night, scarcely more than half the number with whom we had that morning left Lanerk could be mustered, and few of those who had fallen behind came up.

They are undoubtedly a fine incentive to work however, and once on the ground the men dug like beavers and they could dig and by dawn at 4 A.M. we had a continuous though somewhat narrow trench. The soil, for the most part, was clay, and it was tough work digging, but once dug the trenches stood up well.

It moves the pug-mill, the jollies, and the marvellous batting machines, dries the unfired clay, heats the printers' stoves, and warms the offices where the 'jacket-men' dwell. Coal is a tremendous item in the cost of production, and a competent, economical engine-man can be sure of good wages and a choice of berths; he is desired like a good domestic servant.

If the tree has been lacerated to some extent, a plaster of moistened clay or cow-manure makes a good salve. Keeping the borers out of the tree is far better than taking them out; and this can be effected by wrapping the stem at the ground two inches below the surface, and five above with strong hardware or sheathing paper.

He had lain unconscious a while, but came to himself in articulo mortis, and seeing her near him, told her how he would transform the shop and premises as soon as they should be his. "Yes, my darling," said the poor old woman soothingly, and in another minute he was clay, and that clay was followed to the grave by all the feet whose shoes he had waited for.

But we would sooner live upon the water, and, if possible, the clay of the ditches I contentedly dig, than live better at the price of our child's ruin.