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"You you " Neptune gulped, strangling. A long, slow shudder, as of one confronting unheard-of torture, went over his big frame. The fringe of hair on his bald head rose, his beard bristled. Sparks seemed to shoot from his eyes, burning with a terrible flame. "Da' Nepshun " Jake put out clawing, twitching hands. "Dey 's dey 's gwine to git me." His voice broke into a half-scream.

"And as he went past me," said the porter, "he laughed a sort of gasping laugh, with his mouth open and his eyes glaring I tell you, sir, he fair scared me! like this." According to his imitation it was anything but a pleasant laugh. "He waved his hand, with all his fingers crooked and clawing like that. And he said, in a sort of fierce whisper, 'LIFE! Just that one word, 'LIFE!"

He was fast, but he did not propose to be so for many seconds. Throwing himself on his back, the bear began clawing and biting at the hateful thing that was drawing tighter and tighter about him.

Susan ascended, found the big policeman in his shirt sleeves, trying to soothe the most hideous monstrosity she had ever seen a misshapen, hairy animal looking like a monkey, like a rat, like half a dozen repulsive animals, and not at all like a human being. The thing was clawing and growling and grinding its teeth.

"Leave this touching and clawing." Yet I would not give an unfair notion of his aloofness, his fine sense of the sacredness of the me and the not-me. And, at the risk of not being believed, I will relate an incident, which was often repeated.

Mon Dieu! he continued, drawing back abruptly and clawing the air with impatience, 'I have read, read, read! I have listened to sermons, theses, disputations, and I know nothing. I know no more than when I began. He sprang up and began to pace the floor, while I gazed at him with a feeling of pity.

He seated himself at last before the piano, a full half-yard distant, stretching out his arms full-length, like an ape clawing for food, his feet, when not on the pedals, squirming and twisting incessantly, answering some joke of his master's with a loud "Yha! yha!" Nothing indexes the brain like the laugh; this was idiotic. "Now, Tom, boy, something we like from Verdi."

In the rocky chamber of the hill's center, little Tibo crouched low against the wall as far from the hunger-crazed beasts as he could drag himself. He saw the lattice giving to the frantic clawing of the hyenas. He knew that in a few minutes his little life would flicker out horribly beneath the rending, yellow fangs of these loathsome creatures.

I sat down while the Fijian gathered a pile of rotten wood, but before he could set fire to the heap I was on my feet clawing my way into the darkness in front. From somewhere out of the inky night came the voice of Edith Herndon lifted up in a little Italian melody that I had heard her singing the night we left Levuka.

But the Mexican Buzzards, the little brown fellows, will come down from the trees first fierce little Mexican buzzards not afraid to tackle a thing still living a little and groaning!" Roger scarcely heard the last words, for Garman was on him like a fury, striking, clawing, cursing. "Hit me, will you! Try your boxer's tricks on me, eh?" he roared. "I'll stamp your head into the ground."