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"But why should it be their duty?" asked the Duchess. And as neither replied, she continued: "I will tell you. For more than three hundred years the dukes of Clarides, from father to son, have lance in hand protected these poor people so that they could gather the harvests of the fields they had sown.

The dwarfs are superior to men, and it is your good fortune that you are made welcome amongst them." "It is my misfortune," replied Honey-Bee. "Little King Loc, give me a pair of wooden shoes, such as the peasants wear, and let me return to Clarides." But King Loc made a sign with his head to signify that this was impossible.

Courage came with the beard, and so one day he presented himself before the Queen of the Nixies and bowing low, said: "Madam, I have come, with your gracious permission, to take leave of you; I am about to return to Clarides." "Fair youth," the queen replied smiling, "I cannot grant you the leave you ask, for I guard you in my crystal palace, to make of you my lover."

How could eyes about to be extinguished for ever bear the light of two dear eyes in which the soul was only beginning to dawn? She ordered a steed to be saddled and followed by her squire, Francoeur, she rode to the castle of Clarides. The Duchess of Clarides embraced the Countess of Blanchelande. "Loveliest! what good fortune brings you here?" "The fortune that brings me here is not good.

He cut innumerable capers as he laid this supper at the feet of Honey-Bee. "Little men," Honey-Bee said as she ate, "your supper is very good. My name is Honey-Bee; let us go in search of my brother, and then we will all go together to Clarides where mama is waiting for us in great anxiety."

However, to give him an honourable exile, she sent him to Rome to obtain the blessing of the Pope. This journey was all the longer for Francoeur the squire because a great many taverns much frequented by musicians separated the duchy of Clarides from the holy apostolic seat.

Having covered it with moss and leaves, they placed Honey-Bee upon it, then they seized the two poles, placed them on their shoulders and, then! off they went to the mountain. In which we are faithfully told how King Loc received Honey- Bee of Clarides They climbed a winding path along the wooded slope of the hill.

And they inquired among the inhabitants as to the habits of the dwarfs and the mysterious circumstances of Honey-Bee's disappearance. And so it happened that they questioned Nurse Maurille who had once been the nurse of the Duchess of Clarides; but now as she had no more milk for babies Maurille instead nursed the chickens in the poultry yard. It was there that the master and squire found her.

In the meantime the birds sang: "Cucui, cui, cui, cui, cui, Oui, oui, oui, oui, oui, oui, Il est ici, ici, ici, ici, ici, ici." And when she saw the child who had been to her as a son, she opened her arms and fell senseless at his feet. Which treats of a little satin shoe Everybody in Clarides was quite convinced that Honey-Bee had been stolen by the dwarfs.

He donned it with the aid of Francoeur, nor did he forget the shield on which was emblazoned the golden sun of Clarides. As for Francoeur, he put on a good old steel coat of mail of his grandfather's and on his head a casque of a bygone time, to which he attached a ragged and moth-eaten tuft or plume.