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"Here," she said, filling three glasses, "is some wine I made myself from dat grape-vine out dere. Don't it look nice and clar? Jist taste it. It's fus'rate." "No, thank you," said Robert. "I'm a temperance man, and never take anything which has alcohol in it." "Oh, dis ain't got a bit ob alcohol in it. I made it myself."

When Jim Bolivar returned Pepper was trying to reason out the wherefor of being hitched behind such a handsome vehicle as Peggy's surrey, and Jess was protesting: "But but butter," stammered Jess, "Miss Peggy, yo' am' never in de roun' worl' gwine ter drive from de town an' clar out ter Severndale wid dat disrep'u'ble ol' hawse towin' 'long behime WE ALL?"

A young negro was busily washing the broad veranda, but he stopped and straightened at sight of the young horsewoman. "Sambo, where's your mistress?" "Clar t' goodness, Miss Jinny, she was heah leetle while ago." "Yo' git atter Miss Lilly, yo' good-fo'-nuthin' niggah," said Ned, warmly. "Ain't yo' be'n raised better'n to stan' theh wif yo'mouf open?"

In one of the principal towns of Western North Carolina, the landlord of the hotel said to a customer, while he was settling his bill, that he would be glad to have him say a good word for the house to any of his friends; "but," added he, "you may tell all d d Yankees I can git 'long jest as well, if they keep clar o' me"; and when I asked if the Yankees were poor pay, or made him extra trouble, he answered, "I don't want 'em 'round.

Mark and John took advantage of the melting mood which had come over him, and led him off without difficulty. On leaving the kitchen, he went into a pious fit, and sung out "When I can read my title clar." Mr. Weston heard him say, "Don't, Mark; don't squeeze an ole nigger so; do you 'spose you'll ever get to Heaven, if you got no more feelins than that?" "I hope," said Mr.

And they began gathering up their tools and garments. "All right, sah; all right, sah," grinned the negro. "You'uns jes clar out ob de way fer de amblance am er comin'. We dun got de right ob way dis trip, shor'." And so Frank Goodrich was established in the old log house, with the colored man to nurse him.

First they abused the impudent young pusson they had left behind, and nearly annihilated Dolf when he attempted a word in the young woman's favor. "I 'clar," cried Clo at last; "Mr. Dolf, yer go 'long as crooked as a rail fence; what am de matter, are yer jest done gone and no 'count nigger any how?" Dolf only gave a racy chuckle. "I guess goin' into the wash-room turned his head," said Vic.

I showed this carbine to Quill Rose, and the old hunter said: "I don't like them power-guns; you could shoot clar through a bear and kill your dog on the other side." The next day I sold the weapon to Granville Calhoun. Within a short time, word came from Granville's father that "Old Reelfoot" was despoiling his orchard.

A young negro was busily washing the broad veranda, but he stopped and straightened at sight of the young horsewoman. "Sambo, where's your mistress?" "Clar t' goodness, Miss Jinny, she was heah leetle while ago." "Yo' git atter Miss Lilly, yo' good-fo'-nuthin' niggah," said Ned, warmly. "Ain't yo' be'n raised better'n to stan' theh wif yo'mouf open?"

Anxiously they looked, hoping to see some human form, in some part of that long line of rock; but none was visible, and they looked at one another in silence. "Wal, he don't turn up yet; that's clar," said Captain Corbet. "We can see a great deal from here, too," said Bart, in a despondent tone. "Ay, an that's jest what makes the wust of it.