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Up at the service counter there was a pleasant clank of stout crockery as occasional customers came in and ordered their victuals. Aubrey began to feel a relaxation swim through his veins. Gissing Street was very bright and orderly in its Saturday evening bustle. Certainly it was grotesque to imagine melodrama hanging about a second-hand bookshop in Brooklyn.

She drew back into a corner, and peered eagerly, with wistful eyes, into the thick yellow mist which hid everything from them, while she listened to the clank of iron cables, and the loud sing-song of the invisible sailors as they righted their vessels. If she could only hear her father's voice among them!

For a little while the Doctor watched him; then, tapping him on the shoulder, shouted in his ear, above the roar of the furnace, the hissing of steam and the crash and clank of iron and steel. "Almost as good as a fishing trip, heh Dan?"

On the fifth day of March, 1836, San Antonio's streets were resonant with the heavy tread of marching troops, the clank of arms and the rumble of moving artillery. Four thousand Mexican soldiers were being concentrated on one point, a little mission chapel and two long adobe buildings which formed a portion of a walled enclosure, the Alamo.

She scarcely stirred while the infantry, who were by far the most numerous, were going by, only naming corps or officer to Stead, then there came an interval, and the tread of horses and clank of their trappings could be heard. Then she almost forgot her precautions in her eagerness to crane forward. "They are coming!" she said. "All there are of them will be a guard for the Prince."

There was an intermittent faint murmur of voices overhead, an occasional footfall on the deck, and now and then the creak and clank of the wheel-chains following a call from the forecastle, all of which led me to the conclusion that the brigantine was effecting the passage of the creek on her way seaward.

He laughed and flung back his mantle, revealing a perfect skeleton cunningly etched in glaring white upon a close-fitting garment of black. Did the Baron's eyes flash suddenly with a queer dry humor? Philip could not be sure. With a clank of symbolic chains Carl bowed and withdrew, and coming suddenly upon his cousin, halted and stared.

At the earliest dawn the wide armament was astir the creaking of cordage the tramp of men loud orders and louder oaths the slow rolling of baggage-wains and the clank of the armourers, announced the removal of the camp, and the approaching departure of the Grand Company. Ere Adrian was yet attired, Montreal entered his tent.

The tradesman and his clerk clank with their martial trappings as they pursue their vocations.

From his father and his forefathers he inherited his trade, which, in his turn, he will hand over to his son a hard-working, honest, and sturdy man, the clank of whose hammer and anvil may be heard from daybreak to sundown. The trenchant edge of the Japanese sword is notorious.