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What she felt also, tortured as she was by jealousy and angry will, was the sheer longing for human help that must always be felt by the lonely and the weak. Confession, judgment, direction it was on these tremendous things that her inner mind was brooding all the time that she sat talking to Father Benecke of the Jewish influence in Bavaria, or the last number of the 'Civilta Cattolica.

It remained for the Epicureans who, though unable, like their modern successors, the Positivists or Developmentists, to believe in a first cause, believed in effects without causes, or that things make or take care of themselves to assert that men could, by their own unassisted efforts, or by the simple exercise of reason, come out of the primitive state, and institute what in modern times is called civilta, civility, or civilization.

He was an earnest man, and Father Hecker attacked him at once on the score of religion, and before December had received him into the Church. This event made quite a stir in Rome. The city was always full of artists and their patrons, and Mr. Brown's conversion, together with the articles in the Civilta, influenced in Father Hecker's favor many persons whom he could not directly reach.

It is from a letter written before the end of September, less than a month after his arrival: "My leisure moments are occupied in writing an article on the 'Present Condition and Future Prospects of the Catholic Faith in the United States, for the Civilta Cattolica. They have promised to translate and publish it."

The Civilta is still a leading Catholic journal, the foremost exponent of the views of the Society of Jesus. At that time it was the official organ of Pius IX., who read all its articles in the proofs, and it went everywhere in Catholic circles. The editors became fast friends of Father Hecker, though we are not aware that they took sides in his case.

Human arrogance may be said to have reached its limit in the papacy. The Pope is practically a God on earth. He has been addressed by his followers in terms of the Deity. "When the Pope thinks, it is God thinking," wrote the papal organ of Rome, the Civilta Cattolica, in 1869. He has asserted the right to make laws for Christians, and to dispense with the laws of the Almighty.