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The proportion of the adult population that reaches advanced age is no greater than in the past. Our mode of life is so wrong that tuberculosis, typhoid fever, cancer, kidney diseases, pneumonia and circulatory degeneration carry off immense numbers of those whom we call middle aged, but who are really young people. These are diseases of degeneration.

Circulatory stimulants also have been given, but it is doubtful if any good has come from medication. Fracture of Humerus. The shaft of the humerus, protected as it is by heavy muscles, is not frequently fractured; and fractures of its less protected parts, as for example, the head, are complicated in such manner that resultant arthritis soon constitutes the more serious condition.

But all the while I knew, down deep down in the thumping chest of me, that it wasn't Edith. Edith couldn't make all that disturbance in my circulatory system, not in a thousand years.

Probably all of these factors enter into the desire to continue the tobacco habit in those who smoke, so to speak, normally. The abnormal smokers, or those who use tobacco excessively, have a more and more intense nervous desire or physical need of the narcotic or the circulatory stimulant effect of the tobacco, and, consequently, smoke more and more constantly.

With some classes of our community, this is a greater evil than either of the former; though with others, it is not. All forms of dress which impede any kind of motion, especially those which impede circulatory motion, are greatly injurious.

In very large animals, or where the skeleton is internal, it would hardly be practicable; the risk of compression of the tubes at some point, and of thus cutting off the air-supply of some portion of the body, would be altogether too great. The circulatory system is very poor.

When these poisons are absorbed into the general circulation they give rise to certain groups of symptoms such as rise of temperature, associated circulatory and respiratory derangements, interference with the gastro-intestinal functions and also with those of the nervous system which go to make up the condition known as blood-poisoning, toxæmia, or bacterial intoxication.

The emotional disturbance here then was primarily of central origin, and was certainly not originated by circulatory or visceral changes which were secondary to it, and the facts do not support the James, Lange theory of the emotions as it is generally understood. In this connection we may refer very briefly to the laboratory experiments of Sherrington and Bechterew.

They attained life in the air. They devoted the muscles of the body largely to the extremities and gained swift locomotion. They have a fair circulatory and an excellent respiratory system. Best of all, they developed a head and a brain by fusing the three anterior ganglia of the body. The insect could and does think. Such a structure ought to lead to great and high results.

Each such extension represents 10 foot- pounds of work, although the exertion of holding the dumb-bell during the nonextension period is not estimated. He believes that if circulatory tire is shown with less than 100 foot-pounds per minute exercise, other signs of cardiac insufficiency will be in evidence.