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A few hundred yards from the river lay a large heap of planks and framings, which I was told were intended for constructing a store; the owner of which, a sallow Yankee, with a large pluffy cigaretto in his mouth, was labouring away in his shirt sleeves. Bewildered and excited by the novelty of the scene, we were in haste to pitch our camp, and soon fixed upon a location.

Just the same, I'd say from the color of Kid's fingers that he hasn't forgotten how to roll a fat Mexican cigaretto. Hello! 'Talk of the devil Here he comes now." Gowan came around the corner of the house, his spurs jingling. His eyes were as cold and his face as emotionless as usual. "Well?" asked Knowles. "Have a seat." "Didn't get him," reported Gowan, dropping into a chair.

There the Spaniard sat down beneath a bush and proceeded to smoke a cigaretto, while his companion unsaddled the horses, turned them loose to graze, stacked up their saddles, and made simple camping arrangements. "Old Plush Pants doesn't intend to do any work if he catches sight of it first," observed Johnny. "Probably the other man is a servant?" I suggested.

Threading his way amongst the crowd, I was somewhat struck by the appearance of a Spanish Don of the old school, looking as magnificent as a very gaudy light blue jacket with silver buttons and scarlet trimmings, and breeches of crimson velvet, and striped silk sash, and embroidered deer-skin shoes, and a perfumed cigaretto could make him.

That its former master has retained possession of it is evident from the fact of his being again on its roof, tranquilly smoking a cigaretto; while near by him is his sister. Though one dearer stands between his wife. Adela is not distressed by her brother's preference for the new mistress of the mansion. She has a mansion of her own, independent.