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Je mer etait comme l'huile, mais avec un so-so!" And he swayed his hands to and fro with a rocking movement "Et le so-so faisaient les dames ah, ciel! so-so!" And he placed his hand delicately to his head, with an inimitable turning aside gesture that caused a ripple of laughter. Maryllia's eyes sparkled with fun. She saw Mrs.

Gifted Hopkins and the charge he convoyed, large and small, in the distance. The whole living fleet was stationary for the moment, he leaning on the fence with his cheek on his hand, in one of the attitudes of the late Lord Byron; she, very near him, listening, apparently, in the pose of Mignon aspirant au ciel, as rendered by Carlo Dolce Scheffer.

"Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, mon ami?" said Madame de Fontanges, rising hastily, and running up to her husband. M. de Fontanges answered by putting the governor's letter into his wife's hands. "Ah! les barbares!" cried Madame de Fontanges; "est-il possible? Pauvre Monsieur Nutong! On l'amène au cachôt." "Au cachôt!" cried all the coloured girls at a breath and bursting into tears "Oh, ciel!"

Which of the two would profit most by the electoral services derived from the society of Aide-toi, le Ciel t'aidera? The question was to be speedily solved by the King, Charles X. The results of the election of 1827 were enormous; they greatly exceeded the fears of the Cabinet and the hopes of the Opposition. I was still in the country when these events became known.

He is now to have Pleyel's. I heard it two days ago; a capital thing! Peste! il ira loin. We shall have him a senator soon." "Speak for yourself," quoth a ci-devant abbe, with a laugh; "I should be sorry to see him again soon, wherever he be." "Plait-il? I don't understand you!" "Don't you know that Olivier Dalibard is murdered, found stabbed, in his own house, too!" "Ciel!

"Ah, child! you that know nothing of poverty, how can you bear it?" "I will try." "You that never ruled a house in your life " "I can learn." "Ciel! 'tis wonderful! And this young man has no friends, no connections, no fortune! only himself." "Only himself," said Ursula, with a proud contempt. "Will you tell me, my dear, why you marry him?"

Meyerbeer had little or no feeling for characterisation, so that the opportunities for really dramatic effect which lay in the character of John of Leyden have been almost entirely neglected. Once only, in the famous cantique 'Roi du Ciel, did the composer catch an echo of the prophetic rapture which animated the youthful enthusiast.

My earliest fancy was for a blond: at least the dress was of pale blue silk with a profusion of lace trimmings. Her hat was of straw faced with azure velvet, and the crown surrounded by a long plume, also of ciel blue. I knew by heart the features of this fair young creature, invisible although she was to others.

She is a strong woman, Marcel the saints defend you hereafter, when she shall come to be your mother-in-law. In all France, I'll swear, her tongue is the only stouter thing than her arm. But she's a fool." "What did she say, Sire?" I asked in my anxiety. "Say? She swore Ciel! how she did swear!

This was my reception, which I believe you will not call a very cordial one. Madame Duval, who, after having severely reprimanded M. Du Bois for his negligence, was just entering upon the story of her misfortunes, now wholly engaged the company. M. Du Bois listened to her with a look of the utmost horror, repeatedly lifting up his eyes and hands, and exclaiming, "O ciel! quel barbare!"