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But the high brick wall shut out the street where Nick and Cicely trudged dolefully along, and to Nick the lane seemed very full of broken crockery and dirt, and the sunlight all a mockery. The whole of the year had not yet been so dark as this, for there had ever been the dream of coming home. But now he suffered himself to be led along; that was enough.

Of the weary hours which intervened between her meeting with Cicely and Marsworth at Windermere station and her sight of Dr. Howson on the rain-beaten quay at Bolougne, Nelly Sarratt could afterwards have given no clear account.

She was showing to the latter one or two rare 'first editions, and was talking animatedly, but she broke off her conversation the moment he was announced, and advanced to meet him with a bright smile. "At last, Mr. Walden!" she said "I am glad Cicely has succeeded where I failed, in persuading you to accept the welcome that has awaited you here for some time!"

She was exalted in their eyes; she had long been grown up, but now she seemed more grown up than ever, a whole cycle in advance of their active, sexless juvenility. "I don't know," said Joan doubtfully, fingering the new hat which Cicely had taken off, "but I almost think it must be rather fun to wear pretty things sometimes."

"Well, the fact is," said Cicely, "father and mother were in London, and the rest of us were out on a picnic. But it doesn't matter a bit; you've come, and the sooner the better. Oh, it is nice to see you again! But how tall you are, Neta, and how grown up you look!" "I am seventeen, remember," said Aneta. "I don't feel grown-up, but auntie says I look it."

The habit of keeping factory hours always drove Amherst forth long before his wife's day began, and in the course of one of his early tramps he met Miss Brent and Cicely setting out for a distant swamp where rumour had it that a rare native orchid might be found.

What she saw there caused her to run hurriedly and shake her sleepy companion. "Cicely! Do wake up! There's a light moving in the garden." It took a second or two for Cicely to recover her senses, but when she realized the nature of the news, she hopped out of bed in frantic excitement. "Is it Mrs. Wilson and Scott?" she asked eagerly. "I expect so, but of course I can't tell. Be quick!

"Thou art a brave maiden, Cis," exclaimed Humfrey with deep feeling. "Will you take me, sir?" said Cicely, looking up to Master Richard. "Child, I cannot say at once. It is a perilous purpose, and requires much to be thought over." "But you will aid me?" she said earnestly. "If it be thy duty, woe be to me if I gainsay thee," said Richard; "but there is no need to decide as yet.

Louis Gigue played wonderful improvisations on the piano that evening, and Cicely sang so brilliantly and ravishingly that had she then stood on the boards of the Paris Grand Opera, she would have created a wild 'furore. Lady Wicketts knitted placidly; she was making a counterpane, which no doubt someone would reluctantly decide to sleep under and Miss Fosby embroidered a cushion cover for Lady Wicketts, who already possessed many of these articles wrought by the same hand.

We had a telegram from her late last night asking if she might come to-day to spend a week or fortnight, and of course we wired back 'Yes. We are delighted; but of course you may not like her, girls." "Like her! like her!" said Cicely; "and after all you have said too! We shall be certain to more than like her." "She's not a bit pretty, so don't expect it," said Molly.